Thursday, December 8, 2022

Day 9: Christmas Connections


Day 9 Christmas Connections

I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.   

Isaiah 43:19

“Oh, not again!” Carol and Gina squelched across the soggy carpet in the Community Room. The weekend’s rains had seeped through the cement block walls leaving it smelling rank and feeling clammy. Story Hour would have to move to the Children’s Alcove while the room dried out. The staff met to discuss other activities that would have to be moved. 

Carol held up the book she had chosen. “A Different Pond* is about a boy going fishing with his father.” 

“Hmm,” Gina said, “the craft I had planned won’t work without tables. Could we have the kids fish somehow?”

Carol’s eyes grew bright. “I have a kiddie pool at home. What if we cut out some fish and let the kids fish with strings and magnets? Then they could share stories about doing something with their family.”

“We can put the Seniors’ Thanksgiving Social in the staff meeting room. There aren’t too many in the group since many visit family this time of year. We’ll have to tell them that they can’t use the downstairs kitchen but I am sure they can work it out. The yoga class can meet in there too if we move the chairs and table out of the way.” said Khalil.

“We’ll use the Children’s Alcove for Story Hour again on Friday,” said Carol. ”How are the plans for December coming along?”

“Santa-belly growing, Ms. Marion,” Simon called from his corner spot. “Omar and I have almost completed the activities calendar.”

“The decorations are set,” said Khalil. “Gina and Simon gave me a lot of good ideas.”

“As soon as I get a list for Story Hours,” Gina gave Carol a meaningful look, “I’ll get the rest of the  crafts planned.”

“It’s almost ready,” said Carol. In past years, Carol’s book picks had focused on the December holidays. Maybe she could incorporate a few holiday stories that included community connections.

“We can decorate on Wednesday,” said Carol. “We close at noon before Thanksgiving.”

Simon and Omar huddled in the corner with their activities list while Gina and Khalil headed to the storage room to check out the tree. Visions of Story Hour books danced in Carol’s head as she headed back to her office — December dreams flowing from books to readers. 

Advent Challenge: Your plans have changed without warning! Look for blessings in new plans. 

Prayer: God in heaven and on earth, you guide our days. Help me to remember that changed plans are still your plans. Help me find “a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert,” for there I will find you. Amen

*Available on YouTube

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