Saturday, December 17, 2022

Day 18: Christmas Connections


Day 18    Christmas Connections

Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; 

everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

1 John 4:7

“Welcome to Story Sharing. I am happy to see so many new faces. We have a special guest to read with me tonight. Our book is written in Spanish and English so I asked Tonio to read with me.” Carol said. Tonio got a small round of applause.

Carol held up the book, The Christmas Gift/El regal de Navidad.* “After we’ve finished reading, we’ll share stories.” Carol and Tonio sat side by side on the raised platform in the alcove. 

Tonio read, A Panchito no les molestó demasiado. Su amigo, Miguelito, ya se habiá ido dos semanas antes. The melody of the Spanish floated over the crowd. 

Carol repeated in English: Panchito did not mind too much. Miguelito, his friend, left two weeks before. Besides, it had remained most of the time they had been in Corcoran, picking cotton, and Papá, Mamá, and Roberto, Panchito’s older brother, had gone days without work.

The listeners studied the vibrant illustrations showing Panchito’s family, migrant farm laborers, in a shack with a leaky roof. As the story unfolds, Panchito and his family search for cast-off food behind grocery stores and ask the butcher for bones that Mamá will cook for soup to stretch their meager earnings. A few weeks before Christmas, a young husband with a very pregnant wife offers to sell an embroidered handkerchief to Mamá, but Papå shakes his head.

Carol read: “I am sorry. I wish I could, paisano, but we’re broke too.” Saddened to turn them away, Mamá blesses them as they leave, “Que Dios los bendiga.” 

Panchito panics when he hears this. Would Papá and Mamá have enough to get him the pelota roja, the red ball, he wants for Christmas?  

As the story continues and Christmas approaches, the family continues to look for work. On Christmas morning, Papá gives Mamá the embroidered handkerchief the couple had offered to sell. When Panchito sees Mama’s joy and the love his parents share, he forgets about his red ball and hugs and thanks his parents. 

Tonio finished the reading as Panchito says: “Luego abrazo, a los dos — ‘Gracias.’”

Panchito’s story encourages many listeners to share their own experiences. 

Red ball or not, families and friends help one another.  

Advent Challenge: We have been blessed with so much. Give something away to someone in need.

Prayer: Bless us today, O Lord, with a true spirit of generosity. Help us to see the needs of others and fill them. Help us to share your love with all we meet. Amen

*Available on YouTube

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