Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Day 22: Christmas Connection


Day 22 Christmas Connections

Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, 

for God has already approved what you do.

Ecclesiastes 9:7

“Tonight’s Story Sharing book, Miracle on 133rd Street,* was written by someone many of you might consider an old friend,” Carol began. “Author and actor Sonia Manzano played Maria on Sesame Street.” Smiles lit up the room as many remembered Maria speaking Spanish and English with Big Bird and Rosita.

Carol read: José was decorating the tiniest Christmas tree ever. It was practically a twig — what was he supposed to do with the leftover ornaments anyway? 

“We never should have left Puerto Rico There we could have roasted it outside. Everything is too small here. Small kitchen. Small apartment. Small everything. We need a bigger oven.” Mami complained. Marjorie Pricemans magical illustrations showed Mamis homesick thoughts. 

José jokes that they need an oven like the one at Regular Ray’s Pizzeria. Soon Papi and José head out the door with the roast. Along the way, they meet their neighbors who share their own holiday worries.

After a short nap in the Regular Ray’s warm shop, José wakes: And thats when it hit him. A scent. A most glorious scent. A scent so garlicky and olive oily and delicious it made you want to eat—even if you werent hungry. A bouquet that made you feel excited, except you didnt know why. A smell that made you feel something wonderful could happen, but you didnt know what.

Papi invites Ray home to share in the feast. The aroma of the roast and the joy Papi and José radiate as they walk home attract the neighbors. Soon the apartment is full of holiday joy. 

Mami looked at all the people in the apartment and said, “Thank goodness this apartment is big enough to hold all our friends. It’s a miracle.” 

Almost before Carol closed the book, her listeners were sharing stories of home. Carol had a feeling that no one here would be spending this holiday alone. The library would be the first to share. 

Carol ushered everyone to the Community Room where treats awaited. Thank goodness it was big enough to hold all her new friends. Good stories and good food bring people together. The scent of holiday joy followed them down the stairs. 

Advent Challenge: What scents “make you feel something wonderful could happen?” Offer a welcome to someone by sharing a special meal or favorite holiday treat. Then, expand your feelings of wonder by trying a recipe from another country. Good stories and good food bring people together.

Prayer: Lord, help me welcome new friends to my special places. Expand my home and heart to hold all of my neighbors just as you welcome us all into your kingdom. Help me create a miracle of friendship. Amen

*Available on YouTube

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