Monday, December 19, 2022

Day 20: Christmas Connections


Day 20    Christmas Connections

O sing to the Lord a new song;

    sing to the Lord, all the earth.

Sing to the Lord, bless his name;
    tell of his salvation from day to day.

Declare his glory among the nations,
    his marvelous works among all the peoples.

Psalm 96:1-3

Carol spent most of Saturday organizing her gift list for her nieces and nephews, Jack, Carson, Finn, Lily, Quinn, and Phillip. Her youngest sister, Nina, and her husband, Nick, were expecting any day now, a girl to be named Nell. As the librarian sister, Carol had given each of her three siblings a bookcase for a wedding present and naturally gave books for birthdays and holidays. Carol enjoyed matching books to ages and interests. As an avid crocheter, she’d made each family member a book-themed scarf or hat.

Christmas was Carol’s favorite time at church. The cantata her choir was practicing for Christmas Sunday, combining familiar carols with some challenging arrangements of classical favorites, was lovely. Carol slipped into the sanctuary early Sunday morning before choir practice to spend a few minutes in prayer before others arrived. Lights twinkled on the tree at the front of the sanctuary and on the wreaths decorating the walls. Porcelain sheep, cattle, and a donkey rested in a large creche on the altar. Mary and Joseph, angels and shepherds would be added later, with the Wise Men showing up in January. The baby Jesus would be placed in the manger on Christmas Eve.

As Carol settled into a pew, her first prayer was one of thanks for her library staff, the Story Hour children and their parents, the tutors, learners, and library patrons she was getting to know. Next came requests for wisdom, kindness, and patience for herself, some specific requests for her new and old friends, and, of course, safety and health for her family. As choir members began drifting in, Carol thanked God for the magic of books and music. 

Picking up her choir folder, Carol joined the choir as they got ready to praise God in song.

Advent Challenge: Gather a few friends to go caroling. Visit your neighbors. If you can’t go out, call someone to share a favorite carol or two. Sing to the Lord!

Prayer: Lord, we raise our voices to sing your praise! We bless your holy name. Amen

Caroling, caroling now we go

Christmas bells are ringing

Caroling, caroling through the snow

Christmas bells are ringing

Joyous voices sweet and clear

Sing the sad of heart to cheer

Ding, dong, ding, dong

Christmas bells are ringing

(Written by Huston and Burt 1954)

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