Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Day 14: Christmas Connections


Day 14     Christmas Connections

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. 

Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

The library glowed with lights. The connections calendar commanded attention. Books spilled from a huge wreath set on a table by the front doors. Marty had spread the word about Carol’s idea so by Thursday evening, the Children’s Alcove was filled with tutors and students. Carol held up the book she had read at Story Hour yesterday. On the cover, a young girl peeked out from behind a classroom door. 

“Welcome to Story Sharing,” Carol began. “During the month of December, we will gather every Thursday evening to share our stories. I’ll read a book to start us off. Then, you can share with one another. This is one of my favorites, The Day You Begin* by Jacqueline Woodson. The pictures by Rafael López add to the story.”

Chairs inched forward as Carol began reading. On the first page, a young girl enters a classroom with a look of apprehension on her face. Many faces in the room mirrored her look. 

Carol read: There will be times when you walk into a room and no one there is quite like you. 

As the story unfurled, listeners nodded their heads. A student enters a new school. At first, she notices how different she is from her classmates. Her language, her experiences, and the food in her lunch box, all set her apart. As the story continues, she notices other left-out students. Little by little, she realizes that even though she is different, she shares much with the other students. When the girl begins to share, Carol reads: the world opens itself a little wider to make some space for you.

Carol closed the book. Thoughtful faces looked at her. She began, “Sharing books and stories is a great way to connect. Our theme for December,” she said pointing to the calendar on the wall, “will help us connect. We may have different experiences, speak different languages, and eat different kinds of food, but when we get together, we find that we have much to share. Let’s make the world wider by sharing our thoughts about the story I read tonight” 

After a few moments of shy silence, tutors and students began sharing their feelings about the book. Soon, they were sharing their own stories as the connections grew and laughter filled the air. 

Several promised to return next Thursday. The world of the library was widening.

Advent Challenge: Imagine coming to a new country, and having to learn new customs or a new language. Moving from one community to another can be daunting. What can you do to make the “world wider” for someone new? Identify a newcomer to your community and make a plan for your next encounter. Smile. Introduce yourself. Learn neighbors’ names and pronounce them correctly. Offer to help them locate resources. Listen when they share their stories. Be strong and courageous.

Prayer: Holy Jesus, help me welcome newcomers as you welcomed everyone who came to you. Help me open my world wider to make space for others so that they will know that they are not alone, just as I am never alone for you are with me always. Amen

*Available on YouTube

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