Saturday, December 10, 2022

Day 11: Christmas Connections


Day 11 Christmas Connections

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Bam! Lizabeta dropped her stack of books on the return desk and marched over to Carol.

“Tía and I finished all the books,” she announced.

Carol picked up the book on top of the pile, Gracias/Thanks* by Pat Mora. 

“That one was so funny!” said Lizabeta. “I liked when the little brother threw mashed peas at his sister. We laughed so hard that we almost fell off our chairs like the boy in the book. After we read it once, we put on our soft pajamas to read it again so we could feel like we were floating on clouds like he did. Tía liked it when the mamá in the story found the homework in the trash and when the bees didn’t sting him after his kite hit their hive.”

“Can you guess which part is my favorite,” said Carol.

“The page where the boy reads the book to his friend!”

“True!” laughed Carol. “Gracias/Thanks* reminds me to be thankful for children and books and family and sunshine and everyday things.”

“I am thankful for Tía Mariela and Mamá and Papá and my sisters, even when they get into my things, and for the library, and the books and …” Lizabeta stopped to take a breath and Carol jumped in.

“Here’s a few more you might like,” Carol dropped a small pile on the desk in front of Lizabeta. Each Kindness* by Jaqueline Woodson sat on top. While Lizabeta sifted through the pile of books, Tía Mariela walked up behind her. 

“Good morning,” she said. “Gracias por los libros. Thank you for the books.”

“I hope they are helping you,” Carol said. “Lizabeta is pleased with your progress.”

“Yes, Lizabeta is a good teacher and the books are divertidos de leer. Fun to read.”

“Keep a list to read to your baby,” Carol suggested.

“Come on, Tía, let’s go home so we can start reading.” Tía Mariela smiled farewell as Lizabeta pulled her out into Saturday morning rain. 

Advent Challenge: Make a point to encourage someone today. Congratulate someone on pursuing a goal. Note accomplishments. Compliment efforts made. Cheer them on!

Prayer: Dear Lord, as you encourage me, help me to encourage others with love. Amen

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement 

give you the same attitude of mind toward each other as Christ Jesus had.  

Romans 15:5

*Available on YouTube

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