Monday, December 5, 2022

Day 6: Christmas Connections


Day 6 Christmas Connections

 Let us not become weary in doing good, 

for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9

Carol knew most of the Story Hour parents by name, but she didn’t know their stories. After she read Milo Imagines the World,* she asked the parents to help their children draw pictures about their homes. Kids drew dogs and Spiderman curtains, bicycles and trampolines, sisters and brothers, gardens, birds, and swing sets. After they finished, Carol asked each to tell about their pictures. 

“My mommy works in the basement. She cuts people’s hair. When she sweeps up the hair, she puts some in the garden for the birds to use to make nests. We have lots of birds!” said Ina

“Daddy rides his bike to work. He races the cars and always wins,” said Alan. “He always wears his helmet and is very careful. My helmet looks just like his! He is teaching me to ride on two wheels."

“We have a HUGE family,” said Carla. “I have two sisters who sleep in my room and a baby brother. My nana sleeps in the attic!” Carla’s mother jumped in to say that her mother has a lovely apartment above their home. Everyone chuckled.

Stories from the pictures expanded as the parents continued sharing after Story Hour. Carol learned more about their families in one morning than she had in a year. Parents exchanged advice and phone numbers as they walked out into the crisp fall air together — now a group of friends instead of strangers. 

After lunch, while Alma translated some library notices, Carol told her about the fun that morning at Story Hour. 

“Alma, the book we read today is available in Spanish too. Would you consider joining us some time to read to the children?”

“Estaria encantada de ayuda. I’d be happy to help you, Carol. May I have a list of books you will be using? I am not so practiced reading to little children, but I welcome the challenge.”

At the next planning meeting, Carol would have a lot of connections to share. She planned on talking to the tutors and their students next.  Connections sparked everywhere.

Advent Challenge: Challenge yourself to help someone in a new way today. Find out what needs can be filled. Prepare. Practice. Share old skills or learn new ones. Do not grow weary in doing good; go for it! 

Prayer: Helping Lord, help me share my skills to help someone in a new way today. Amen

Do all the good you can, 

by all the means you can, 

in all the ways you can, 

in all the places you can, 

at all the times you can, 

to all the people you can, 

as long as ever you can.

John Wesley

*Available on YouTube

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