Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Day 7: Christmas Connections


Day 7 Christmas Connections

In the same way, even though we are many individuals, 

Christ makes us one body and individuals who are connected to each other.

Romans 12:5

Omar, Khalil, and Gina were chatting around the table when Carol entered the meeting room, Simon following closely at her heels. Carol shared her experiences with the regulars and the parents. Omar and Simon were bursting with ideas for the calendar. 

“Connections are the key! We’re thinking of activities that connect people inside and outside of the library. Simon has some doozies in mind!” said Omar.

“Nothing that Santa wouldn’t do,” Simon assured them.

“Gina and I have a list of books for the Staff Picks display. We are coordinating them with some of our calendar activities,” added Khalil. “We have graphics for the website too.”

“Wow,” said Carol. “Connecting is a great theme. What shall we call our program?” 

Silence fell over the table. Titles have to be just right. December Lights? Community Connections? Winter Dreams? Celebrating Readers? Library Friends? Each suggestion fell flat. Feet shuffled and sighs peppered the air. 

“OK, let’s wait on the title. Maybe something will strike us as we prepare. Gina, please type up the list of books for the Staff Picks and send it to me. I’ll have the Story Hour books chosen by the end of the week then we can plan the activities for them. Omar and Simon, forward your calendar ideas to all of us. Khalil, how are the lights coming along?”

“Tangled but most work. I’ll string them around the Children’s Alcove when we close for Thanksgiving. I’ve found some garland and I resurrected the tree from its storage box. I’ve asked some of the Reading Room folks to help decorate” Khalil answered.

“I think the children will enjoy making ornaments for the tree,” Gina offered. “We'll connect them to the Story Hour books. I’ll ask some parents to help” 

“Great,” said Carol. “One week from today we’ll meet again. Keep thinking about a title and work on your projects. This December may be the brightest we’ve ever had.”

Advent Challenge: Ask someone to help you today. 

Prayer: Heavenly Spirit, we know that when we help others, we are offering your love. By asking for help, we offer someone else the chance to do your good work in the world. In helping one another, we connect in your love. Help me ask for and give help today. Amen

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