Saturday, December 24, 2022

Day 25: Christmas Connections


Day 25 Christmas Connections

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son 

so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

John 3:16

Still energized by yesterday’s Story Hour and This or That activity, the last day before the break passed in a holiday haze. Tonight would be the last Story Sharing gathering in December. 

Everyone was bringing a favorite holiday book or story to share. Omar and Khalil planned to serve mulled cider, gingerbread cookies, and popcorn. Simon would don his Santa suit again and pass out small gifts — books, of course. Carol packed up the books she had shared with her new friends: The Day You Begin*, The Christmas Gift,* The Miracle on 133rd Street.* What changes have this month’s theme and activities brought to the library! 

Reading room regulars now helped tutors with English-language students. Alma shared Spanish versions of children’s books during Story Hour. Linh, Ron, and Harry had organized volunteers to spruce up the library. Several from the yoga class had joined the multi-language choir Khalil and Omar had formed. Simon accompanied on the grand piano in the Community Room. Seniors read to children in the Alcove giving weary parents a few moments of peace as they sat close by. 

Just before the library closed for the final sharing gathering, Lizabeta rushed into the library. 

“Tía Mariela had her baby! A boy! She named him Manuel,” she gushed. “We can’t wait to start reading to him! Mamá says he is a Christmas Eve gift!

Carol offered many thankful prayers at the Christmas Eve service. Thanks for the joy a new baby brings. Thanks for children who love books and reading. Thanks for new friends who share stories and hope. Thanks for smiling faces, peals of joyful laughter, twinkling lights, chains of connections, wishes on trees, and peaceful nights after busy days. Thanks for the gift of Christmas, the greatest gift, a Savior.

Echoes of the newly connected library friends singing — in Spanish and English, the December theme song, joined with the soaring Christmas carols ringing in Carol’s heart. 

The More We Get Together, The Happier We’ll Be!* 

The more we get together, together, together,

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends.

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be!

Lo más que nos reunimos, reunimos, reunimos,

Lo más que nos reunimos seremos felices.

Tus amigos son mis amigos y mis amigos son tus amigos.

Lo más que nos reunimos seremos felices!

Advent Challenge: Bring people together to share the love of Jesus. 

Prayer: God of Christmas, thank you for sending your Son to bring us eternal life. Help us “get together” in love so that all can share eternal life. Amen

*Available on YouTube

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