Thursday, December 22, 2022

Day 23: Christmas Connections


Day 23         Christmas Connections

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, 

and it will be done for you.

John 15:7

Last night’s Story Sharing had gone late. Everyone wanted to share their stories. Friday morning, Gina slipped in behind Carol carrying a pile of paper snowflakes for Story Hour. 

“In case little fingers can’t handle scissors,” Gina said. She set scissors, paper, and instructions under the calendar in the alcove. Today’s connection activity was to write a wish on a snowflake and add it to the library tree. A few early arrivers had already started on their snowflakes.

“Have you ever made a wish?” Carol asked the wiggly group in Story Hour. Every hand flew up. 

“Close your eyes and hold your wish in your brain for a moment,” Carol instructed. Every head filled with wishes. “Now, put your wish into your mouth and whisper it to a friend sitting close to you.” Parents and a few others who had drifted down from upstairs shared their wishes too. 

“Whisshhhh,” Carol said. Every head turned toward her. “I will need some help with today’s story. Can anyone sing?” Again, every hand flew up. 

“In The Wish Tree,* Charles and his sled, Boggan, sing as they walk through the snow. Charles sings, “‘La-di-da-di-da-di-daaa,” and Boggan sings, “‘Whishhhhh!’” Let’s practice.” 

After some very enthusiastic singing, Carol read: Charles wanted to find a wish tree. 

Charles and Boggan set out in the snow to find a wish tree. Along the way, Boggan and Charles help Squirrel gather hazelnuts, Beaver carry birch logs, Deer carry apples, and Fox carry berries. As they help, Charles and Boggan sing their songs — accompanied by the little wigglers in Story Hour. After a long search, Charles falls asleep on Boggan, and his forest friends pull them to the wish tree where Charles hangs his wish. After they enjoy a feast, including a hazelnut soufflé, a pot of birch tea, and biscuits made with berries, Charles and Boggan head home in the moonlight.

La-di-da-di-da-di-daaaa’, sang Charles. ‘Whishhhhh,’ sang Boggan. All the way home.

The children sang as they added their wishes to snowflakes (with a little help) to hang on the library’s tree. Then “Whishhhhh,” they drifted out into the cold December morning. Carol added her own snowflake wish that every child and parent would know the love of the one who grants the innermost wishes of our hearts. 

Advent Challenge: What wish would you hang on a wish tree? What wish would you make for someone you love? How could you make these wishes come true? Make a list of wishes. Pray over it. Make at least one wish come true.

Prayer: Oh, Lord, you know the wishes in my brain, in my heart, and in my mouth. You’ve made so many of my wishes come true. Help me to listen to the wishes of others and fulfill them when I can. Amen

God knows the hearts secrets and understands. 

*Available on YouTube

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