Friday, December 9, 2022

Day 10: Christmas Connections


Day 10 Christmas Connections

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers,

 for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.

Hebrews 13:2

“Welcome to Story Hour!” Settling in the Children’s Alcove took a bit longer in the unfamiliar story space. Gina had removed the toys and bean bags, but the shelves of books tempted little fingers. Children plopped down on carpet squares with their parents beside them. After everyone was more or less settled, Gina pulled the kiddie pool out drawing every eye, and more than a few fingers. 

“Today’s story is A Different Pond* by Bay Phi,” Carol began. “What do you know about ponds?” 

Kids called out answers: They are wet! Fish live in them! My grandpa has one. I’m not allowed to go near it without a grown-up.

“In this story, a little boy goes fishing in a pond with his father.” Carol continued. Several children offered fish stories without prompting. The ruckus attracted a few of the regulars sitting in the Reading Room. Some carried chairs over to sit in the back of the alcove. Carol held up the book cover. 

The kids made observations: The dad has a fishing pole. It looks like night. Why would they go fishing at night? They have a pail. How can they see the fish in the dark? 

Carol began reading. In the story, a boy’s father wakes him up before dawn to go fishing. They take a few sandwiches, a bucket, and a lantern. Dad tells stories of fishing with his father in Vietnam as they drive to the pond. Then, as now, they are fishing for food not pleasure alone. At the pond, they connect with other refugees. At dinner that night, they enjoy telling stories and eating their day’s catch. That night, the boy dreams of fish in faraway ponds.

Kid connections bubble through the story: My mom and dad work! Fish are yucky! My grandma lets me hold her pole. 

With help from Gina and some parents, every child got to fish in the kiddie pool and share stories of fun with their families. Parents offered stories of their own. Laughter echoed through the library. 

Carol noticed the Reading Room regulars watching from the back. After the kids and parents left, Linh came up to Carol. “My mother came from Vietnam when she was a small girl,” she said. “She told me stories about her parents. They wanted a better life for their children. They didn’t have much but they had each other.” 

Marty, one of the tutors, had joined the group as the story ended. He asked Linh if she would speak with his student, a refugee from Cambodia. Linh gladly agreed. While Marty helped Gina put away the pond, Carol shared her idea for getting to know the tutors and their students better. 

Marty loved it. 

Advent Challenge: Research refugee services in your community. Support them in some meaningful way.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, you left your home in heaven to live among us. Help us welcome those who left their homes to live among us. As we would welcome you, let us welcome them. Amen 

*Available on YouTube

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