Thursday, December 1, 2022

Day 2: Christmas Connections


Day 2      Christmas Connections

Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Rom. 15:7

Wednesday afternoon, the library staff met. Its membership was slim, plumped out by some faithful volunteers. Gina, a library aide studying Information Science, helped with Story Hour, designed book displays, and monitored the library’s website. Omar and Khalil, volunteer shelvers, chatted on one side of the table while Simon sat at the corner behind a tottering pile of books, research for the book he’d been working on since he retired from teaching. 

“Welcome happy helpers! Our task, should you choose to accept it, is to include every reader who visits in December. Our community is more diverse every year. First on the list, deciding what to highlight.” Carol passed around her agenda.

“Maybe diversity should be our focus,” Gina suggested. “We usually focus on celebrations in December, but some of our readers don’t have much reason for holiday cheer.”

  Heads nodded around the table. In the past few years, the library had become much more than a place to find books. Jobseekers searched job websites. Librarians helped fill out applications and fax them to employers. Once a month, the library hosted a job fair. Tutors coached learners studying for the GED or reviewing literacy skills or learning English. A Fresh Veggies truck parked weekly in the library’s lot serving shoppers who couldn’t get to the grocery store two miles away. Seniors’ social events and yoga classes met in the community meeting rooms. Children chattered in Spanish and English in the Children’s Alcove. Every morning, a crowd waited on the library’s steps to enter.

“Let’s focus on connecting our patrons. We’ve got readers, seekers, teachers and learners, children, parents and seniors, some with too much to do, and some with not enough. How can we help them connect?” Carol suggested.

“We can feature books about different communities,” Gina offered.

“How about a calendar on the bulletin board in the Children’s Alcove? We could post suggestions for connecting with friends, neighbors, and community members.” Omar’s enthusiasm radiated along the table. 

Khalil jumped in, “We can post the calendar events on our website and social media page too.”

Simon’s pile of books trembled with the excitement in the room. “I’ve been working on my Santa laugh and belly since Halloween,” he said. “I’ll help Omar with the calendar, Ms. Marion.”

“We’ve got four weeks until December, with a break for Thanksgiving that gives us about fifteen days to prepare. We’ll have seven Story Hours. The last one, of course, will be Santa’s debut. Let’s meet again a week from today. Gina and I will sort out some activities, create a book list, and plan some Story Hour activities. Simon and Omar, have a template for your calendar ready.”

“I’ll check out our holiday lights,” called Khalil. “No dud bulbs this year!”

“A dud-free December for all!” Simon cheered. 

Advent Challenge: Make a connection today. Welcome someone new. Pray for someone. Offer peace.

Prayer: Ever-welcoming God, help me welcome someone new so that more may know your peace. Amen

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