Sunday, December 11, 2022

Day 12: Christmas Connections


Day 12 Christmas Connections

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!

1 Chronicles 16:34

November flew by. Lizabeta and Mariela visited several times to borrow books.

“Tia is getting so good in English!” Lizabeta crowed. “Do you have any books about Christmas?”

“Just wait and see!” Carol said. Lizabeta scooped up her pile of books and Mariela waved as they headed for the door. Carol took a moment to mentally add Lizabeta’s energy and her aunt’s progress in English to her gratitude list — a list that grew longer and more specific every day. She had always been grateful for readers and books but now she gave thanks for Linh’s willingness to help the tutoring students, for Alma’s reading books to the children in Spanish, for Marty’s enthusiasm for the December project, each and every child and parent who attended Story Hour, Harry and Ron and their fix-it group, and the whole Reading Room gang. 

Before Thanksgiving, the holiday helpers group held one more meeting. All assignments were ready. After the library closed on Wednesday, the tree and decorations would go up. Omar and Simon would put the calendar up on the big bulletin board in the Childrens Alcove.

“The calendar will hit them in the eye when they walk in the door,” Simon said. “We’ve planned simple and fun ways to connect. Folks can take home copies of the calendar so they can connect every day.” 

“Khalil and I have the Staff Picks ready,” said Gina. “Crafts we make in Story Hour will be added to the tree.”

“The tree and the website are ready to go,” said Khalil 

“Great!” said Carol. “I’ve got a theme for December that I think you’ll all love.” 

And she was right. They did.

Advent Challenge: Thank someone you may have forgotten to thank — your mail deliverer, a grocery clerk, a teacher, a pastor — anyone who has offered a service, a shoulder, a listening ear, or a smile to brighten your day. Add five people (at least) to your gratitude list and thank God for each one.

Prayer: This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalm 118:24) Lord, help me today, and every day, to rejoice and give thanks for all your good gifts and to show gratitude to those who share their labor, love, joy, and resources with me. Thank you for your enduring love. Amen

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