Saturday, December 3, 2022

Day 4: Christmas Connections


Day 4       Christmas Connections

Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Colossians 4:5

The county library system had several holiday books in Spanish and English that Carol ordered for Lizabeta and Mariela. She would include some in Story Hour in December. Maybe she could find a Spanish speaker to help. The books she chose should coordinate with Omar and Simon’s calendar. 

One of the first books that came to mind was Milo Imagines the World* by Matt de la Pena. Milo and his sister take the subway to visit their mother. As they ride, Milo imagines stories for all the people around him — a businessman in a suit, a wedding-dressed woman, and a boy with a perfect part in his hair. When they arrive at their destination, Milo realizes that assumptions based on appearances don’t tell the whole story of a person’s life. 

This was true about Simon the library’s faithful Santa. He might look like a jolly old elf, but he’d taught Russian literature at a leading university, spoke five languages, and had visited all seven continents. Burrowed into a corner of the library with his stack of books, he looked like any of the regulars in the Reading Room. No one would guess he was writing his fifth book and had won international acclaim for his translations of Russian authors. 

Sitting back in her chair, Carol thought about the readers filling the tables. What did she really know about them? She knew what books they liked but, beyond that, not much more. How could the library celebrate its readers when she knew so little about them? Like Milo in the story, Carol could imagine stories for them. What could she do to learn the stories they had to tell about themselves? How could she turn strangers into friends?

Taking a few moments in the lull of the library afternoon to offer her problem to a power higher than the library board, Carol breathed a prayer for inspiration and kindness. With prayer, books, and willing helpers, at least one who was bilingual, Carol was sure the December program, whatever it turned out to be, would be successful. 

Advent Challenge: Use your time to find out more about someone. Strike up a conversation with someone new to the community or your church. Include a new friend in an activity. Listen to their stories. Offer to fill a need. Turn a stranger into a friend.

Prayer: Dear Lord, you give me the time I need to help someone who needs my time. Help me welcome someone in love. Amen

With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you. 2 Peter 3:8

*Available on YouTube

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