Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Day 21: Christmas Connections

Day 21    Christmas Connections

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help. Again, if two lie together, they keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.   Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Wednesday’s Story Hour story, Miracle on 133rd Street,* left everyone hungry. Carol thought she had better have some treats ready when she read to the Story Sharing group on Thursday. 

Carol, Khalil, and Simon spent the afternoon brainstorming for the Chain Game, today’s connection activity on the calendar bulletin board. 

“Someone makes a statement, like, "I walked to school," then others who also walked to school connect by linking elbows. Some folks might be too shy to link elbows, so we’ve brought some garland ropes. When you connect to a statement, you link by grabbing the garland to make a chain. Once everyone has connected, we’ll call out a new prompt. Players have to regroup to match that prompt. By the end of the game, the whole group should be connected,” explained Khalil.

“We need some really good prompts,” said Simon. He read a few: I sing in a choir. I fold my pizza to eat it. I can bake a pie from scratch.

Khalil said, “ I’ve had a bad haircut, I’m good at puzzles, or I love to dance.”

Carol said, I’ve got a good one to connect everyone, I like to make new friends.”

The game and garland were a big hit. After a few prompts by the library staff, game players offered some: I speak another language at home; I don’t use email; I’ve got more than three pairs of shoes; I go to church every Sunday. The chains connected and reconnected. Before long, everyone was laughing and sharing stories. Carol, Khalil, and Simon served gingerbread cookies and punch. 

When they were clearing up, Simon said, “As my mother would say, ‘A good time was had by all.’” 

Carol glanced at the activities calendar as she was locking the library doors. December was almost over. Would they achieve the December goal? 

Carol read the title posted above the calendar. Every day, she was more sure they would. 

Advent Challenge: Play the Chain Game.** With a group, make a statement (see story). Connect with other players who have that statement in common. Take turns giving prompts until your whole group is connected. If you can’t be with friends, try playing this game with a group through email or social media. 

Prayer: Lord, help us to remember that we are all connected and that when we come together, we are stronger and closer to the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. Amen

How good and pleasant it is when Gods people live together in unity!

Psalm 133:1

*Available on YouTube

          **Available on Google


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