Friday, December 2, 2022

Day 3: Christmas Connections


Day 3 Christmas Connections

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, 

whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—

                                if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Lizabeta returned with her aunt and mother on Saturday morning. “We’re back!” she announced to the desk attendant. “I’ve got the papers and Mamá. Now, can we get a library card?”

Carol walked out to greet her. Lizabeta introduced her Mamá and Tía Mariela smiled. While the desk attendant printed out cards for Lizabeta and Mamá, Carol asked her what kind of books she would like.

“Books in Spanish and English so we can both read,” said Lizabeta. “Books babies would like. I want Tiá to learn English before Christmas when the baby is coming.”

“To learn more English,” corrected Mamá. 

“More English,” repeated Lizabeta. 

Mamá explained, “My sister works here in a place where mostly Spanish is spoken. She needs to learn more English. Mariela and her husband are hoping to become citizens soon.”

“And a mamá and a papá!” said Lizabeta. “Point us to the books!”

Carol laughed. “I have a pile ready for you. Why don’t you look around the Children’s Alcove too.” 

Lizabeta grabbed Tía’s and Mamá’s hands and joyfully pulled them across the library. A few of the Reading Room regulars watched them cross the room. Carol could almost hear their mental shushes. She wondered how she could turn their shushes into smiles. 

At lunch, Carol took a few moments to pray for expectant parents. Mariela reminded her of Mary — expecting her first child, visiting family, traveling to a strange land with her husband, fearful, joyful, facing the many unknowns of parenting. She prayed that Mary’s baby would bless Mariela and her child and every child and parent who visited the library. She gave thanks for the chill in the air, the quiet and noisy moments of her day, and, as always, books and readers. 

Advent Challenge: Find joy in the noise of children, in the silence of being alone, in the routine of your day, in the interruptions in your day, in the people you meet, and the people you miss. Everywhere! Give thanks!

Prayer: Father of joy, help me to focus my mind and heart on the true, noble, right, pure, admirable, praiseworthy, and excellent things you provide. Thank you for each and every one. Amen

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;  his love endures forever. 

Psalm 118:1

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