Friday, December 23, 2022

Day 24: Christmas Connections


Day 24   Christmas Connections

When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.                                                                                                                                            Luke 2:17-19

Carol’s prayers on Sunday focused on the coming week: the last Story Hour on Wednesday, complete with a visit from Santa, the last connection game, and the last Story Sharing before the holiday break. She thanked God for all the connections that had been made, new friends, stories shared, shining faces, and glowing hearts. She held each in her heart as she knew God did. 

The wiggling in Story Hour almost shook the library. The story, Dream Snow,* an old favorite by Eric Carle, begins as a chubby farmer with full white beard dreams about snow falling on his animal friends. Each page shows a pile of snow. The kids guessed who was hidden under the snow, clapping when a page flip revealed each animal. Waking up, the farmer puts on his red coat and pants, black boots, and red hat grabs his sack, and hurries out into the snowy night where he decorates a tree in the barnyard and delivers gifts to his friends. Oohs and aahs break out as the tree lights up on the last page.

“Santa!” several children shout. Hearing his cue, Santa Simon, his belly shaking like a bowlful of jelly, Ho-Ho-Hoed his way into the room and passed out gift books to the excited crowd. The children’s excitement was matched that afternoon during today’s game, This or That. The Children’s Alcove overflowed with students, tutors, Reading Room friends, and families. Lizabeta and Mamá came too.

Khalil called out, This or That choices: “Gingerbread or candy canes? Hot chocolate or Egg Nog?  Reading aloud or listening? Players moved back and forth across the alcove as Simon, still in full-Santa regalia, coaxed the indecisive from the middle. Groups mixed and mingled and laughter filled the room. 

After the game, Alma and Omar led everyone in singing the theme song in Spanish and English, the song and fellowship following the crowd out into the night. 

“The perfect theme for a perfect December,” Simon said as he pulled his Santa beard from his smiling red face. Carol, Khalil, Gina, and Omar agreed. 

The tree glowed with lights and snowflakes, photos of happy children, buses, and wishes. The theme above the calendar, encircled by red and green connections, filled every heart. 

Advent Challenge: Making choices, even easy ones like do you prefer hot chocolate or Egg Nog, can be hard. How will you choose this Christmas? To sing with the angels? To run with the shepherds? To bring gifts like the Wise Men? To wonder at the love of God represented by a baby in the manger? To share the good news? To hold Christ in your heart? Treasure the gift of Christmas. Share it with others.

Prayer: Wondrous Savior, help us share the love you bring at Christmas and always. Amen

Go, tell it on the mountain, 

Over the hill and everywhere, 

Go, tell it on the mountain

That Jesus Christ is born!

(African-American Spiritual)

*Available on YouTube

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