Contact information

Lisa is available to speak or read from her books for groups of any size.

Tweet: @lisamariescotto
  • Parents
 Wake Up and Smell the Dirty Diapers: Stories for Tired Parents

  • Parents and Teachers
A Heart Full of Children: Stories for Teachers and Parents 

Buy her books at and

Quick peek at Speaks!

Wake Up and Smell the Dirty Diapers: Stories for Tired Parents
  •  A 45 to 60 minute reading/sharing with parents  about parenting issues
  •       Advice about getting children to read and write at home from an experienced teacher and parent!
  •       PowerPoint presentation if available at your facility
  • Great for parent groups, church groups, and retirement communities!
  •     References available upon request 
          "Very inspiring!" 

A Heart Full of Children: Stories for Teachers and Parents

  •     A 45 to 60 minute presentation sharing stories and advice about teaching children with kindness and love
  •     Advice about getting children to read and write at home from an experienced teacher and parent!
  • Great for parents and teacher groups!
  •   References available upon request 

NEW! Classroom Author Talks!  Grades K-6

   Based on the following student comments
      I don't have anything to write about.

      I don't know how to write it down.

      Why do I have to revise? 


30 or more minutes with reading and helping students write a story during session   

To contact me for author visits or group talks:

Please email:

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