Saturday, December 24, 2022

Day 25: Christmas Connections


Day 25 Christmas Connections

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son 

so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

John 3:16

Still energized by yesterday’s Story Hour and This or That activity, the last day before the break passed in a holiday haze. Tonight would be the last Story Sharing gathering in December. 

Everyone was bringing a favorite holiday book or story to share. Omar and Khalil planned to serve mulled cider, gingerbread cookies, and popcorn. Simon would don his Santa suit again and pass out small gifts — books, of course. Carol packed up the books she had shared with her new friends: The Day You Begin*, The Christmas Gift,* The Miracle on 133rd Street.* What changes have this month’s theme and activities brought to the library! 

Reading room regulars now helped tutors with English-language students. Alma shared Spanish versions of children’s books during Story Hour. Linh, Ron, and Harry had organized volunteers to spruce up the library. Several from the yoga class had joined the multi-language choir Khalil and Omar had formed. Simon accompanied on the grand piano in the Community Room. Seniors read to children in the Alcove giving weary parents a few moments of peace as they sat close by. 

Just before the library closed for the final sharing gathering, Lizabeta rushed into the library. 

“Tía Mariela had her baby! A boy! She named him Manuel,” she gushed. “We can’t wait to start reading to him! Mamá says he is a Christmas Eve gift!

Carol offered many thankful prayers at the Christmas Eve service. Thanks for the joy a new baby brings. Thanks for children who love books and reading. Thanks for new friends who share stories and hope. Thanks for smiling faces, peals of joyful laughter, twinkling lights, chains of connections, wishes on trees, and peaceful nights after busy days. Thanks for the gift of Christmas, the greatest gift, a Savior.

Echoes of the newly connected library friends singing — in Spanish and English, the December theme song, joined with the soaring Christmas carols ringing in Carol’s heart. 

The More We Get Together, The Happier We’ll Be!* 

The more we get together, together, together,

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends.

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be!

Lo más que nos reunimos, reunimos, reunimos,

Lo más que nos reunimos seremos felices.

Tus amigos son mis amigos y mis amigos son tus amigos.

Lo más que nos reunimos seremos felices!

Advent Challenge: Bring people together to share the love of Jesus. 

Prayer: God of Christmas, thank you for sending your Son to bring us eternal life. Help us “get together” in love so that all can share eternal life. Amen

*Available on YouTube

Friday, December 23, 2022

Day 24: Christmas Connections


Day 24   Christmas Connections

When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.                                                                                                                                            Luke 2:17-19

Carol’s prayers on Sunday focused on the coming week: the last Story Hour on Wednesday, complete with a visit from Santa, the last connection game, and the last Story Sharing before the holiday break. She thanked God for all the connections that had been made, new friends, stories shared, shining faces, and glowing hearts. She held each in her heart as she knew God did. 

The wiggling in Story Hour almost shook the library. The story, Dream Snow,* an old favorite by Eric Carle, begins as a chubby farmer with full white beard dreams about snow falling on his animal friends. Each page shows a pile of snow. The kids guessed who was hidden under the snow, clapping when a page flip revealed each animal. Waking up, the farmer puts on his red coat and pants, black boots, and red hat grabs his sack, and hurries out into the snowy night where he decorates a tree in the barnyard and delivers gifts to his friends. Oohs and aahs break out as the tree lights up on the last page.

“Santa!” several children shout. Hearing his cue, Santa Simon, his belly shaking like a bowlful of jelly, Ho-Ho-Hoed his way into the room and passed out gift books to the excited crowd. The children’s excitement was matched that afternoon during today’s game, This or That. The Children’s Alcove overflowed with students, tutors, Reading Room friends, and families. Lizabeta and Mamá came too.

Khalil called out, This or That choices: “Gingerbread or candy canes? Hot chocolate or Egg Nog?  Reading aloud or listening? Players moved back and forth across the alcove as Simon, still in full-Santa regalia, coaxed the indecisive from the middle. Groups mixed and mingled and laughter filled the room. 

After the game, Alma and Omar led everyone in singing the theme song in Spanish and English, the song and fellowship following the crowd out into the night. 

“The perfect theme for a perfect December,” Simon said as he pulled his Santa beard from his smiling red face. Carol, Khalil, Gina, and Omar agreed. 

The tree glowed with lights and snowflakes, photos of happy children, buses, and wishes. The theme above the calendar, encircled by red and green connections, filled every heart. 

Advent Challenge: Making choices, even easy ones like do you prefer hot chocolate or Egg Nog, can be hard. How will you choose this Christmas? To sing with the angels? To run with the shepherds? To bring gifts like the Wise Men? To wonder at the love of God represented by a baby in the manger? To share the good news? To hold Christ in your heart? Treasure the gift of Christmas. Share it with others.

Prayer: Wondrous Savior, help us share the love you bring at Christmas and always. Amen

Go, tell it on the mountain, 

Over the hill and everywhere, 

Go, tell it on the mountain

That Jesus Christ is born!

(African-American Spiritual)

*Available on YouTube

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Day 23: Christmas Connections


Day 23         Christmas Connections

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, 

and it will be done for you.

John 15:7

Last night’s Story Sharing had gone late. Everyone wanted to share their stories. Friday morning, Gina slipped in behind Carol carrying a pile of paper snowflakes for Story Hour. 

“In case little fingers can’t handle scissors,” Gina said. She set scissors, paper, and instructions under the calendar in the alcove. Today’s connection activity was to write a wish on a snowflake and add it to the library tree. A few early arrivers had already started on their snowflakes.

“Have you ever made a wish?” Carol asked the wiggly group in Story Hour. Every hand flew up. 

“Close your eyes and hold your wish in your brain for a moment,” Carol instructed. Every head filled with wishes. “Now, put your wish into your mouth and whisper it to a friend sitting close to you.” Parents and a few others who had drifted down from upstairs shared their wishes too. 

“Whisshhhh,” Carol said. Every head turned toward her. “I will need some help with today’s story. Can anyone sing?” Again, every hand flew up. 

“In The Wish Tree,* Charles and his sled, Boggan, sing as they walk through the snow. Charles sings, “‘La-di-da-di-da-di-daaa,” and Boggan sings, “‘Whishhhhh!’” Let’s practice.” 

After some very enthusiastic singing, Carol read: Charles wanted to find a wish tree. 

Charles and Boggan set out in the snow to find a wish tree. Along the way, Boggan and Charles help Squirrel gather hazelnuts, Beaver carry birch logs, Deer carry apples, and Fox carry berries. As they help, Charles and Boggan sing their songs — accompanied by the little wigglers in Story Hour. After a long search, Charles falls asleep on Boggan, and his forest friends pull them to the wish tree where Charles hangs his wish. After they enjoy a feast, including a hazelnut soufflé, a pot of birch tea, and biscuits made with berries, Charles and Boggan head home in the moonlight.

La-di-da-di-da-di-daaaa’, sang Charles. ‘Whishhhhh,’ sang Boggan. All the way home.

The children sang as they added their wishes to snowflakes (with a little help) to hang on the library’s tree. Then “Whishhhhh,” they drifted out into the cold December morning. Carol added her own snowflake wish that every child and parent would know the love of the one who grants the innermost wishes of our hearts. 

Advent Challenge: What wish would you hang on a wish tree? What wish would you make for someone you love? How could you make these wishes come true? Make a list of wishes. Pray over it. Make at least one wish come true.

Prayer: Oh, Lord, you know the wishes in my brain, in my heart, and in my mouth. You’ve made so many of my wishes come true. Help me to listen to the wishes of others and fulfill them when I can. Amen

God knows the hearts secrets and understands. 

*Available on YouTube

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Day 22: Christmas Connection


Day 22 Christmas Connections

Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, 

for God has already approved what you do.

Ecclesiastes 9:7

“Tonight’s Story Sharing book, Miracle on 133rd Street,* was written by someone many of you might consider an old friend,” Carol began. “Author and actor Sonia Manzano played Maria on Sesame Street.” Smiles lit up the room as many remembered Maria speaking Spanish and English with Big Bird and Rosita.

Carol read: José was decorating the tiniest Christmas tree ever. It was practically a twig — what was he supposed to do with the leftover ornaments anyway? 

“We never should have left Puerto Rico There we could have roasted it outside. Everything is too small here. Small kitchen. Small apartment. Small everything. We need a bigger oven.” Mami complained. Marjorie Pricemans magical illustrations showed Mamis homesick thoughts. 

José jokes that they need an oven like the one at Regular Ray’s Pizzeria. Soon Papi and José head out the door with the roast. Along the way, they meet their neighbors who share their own holiday worries.

After a short nap in the Regular Ray’s warm shop, José wakes: And thats when it hit him. A scent. A most glorious scent. A scent so garlicky and olive oily and delicious it made you want to eat—even if you werent hungry. A bouquet that made you feel excited, except you didnt know why. A smell that made you feel something wonderful could happen, but you didnt know what.

Papi invites Ray home to share in the feast. The aroma of the roast and the joy Papi and José radiate as they walk home attract the neighbors. Soon the apartment is full of holiday joy. 

Mami looked at all the people in the apartment and said, “Thank goodness this apartment is big enough to hold all our friends. It’s a miracle.” 

Almost before Carol closed the book, her listeners were sharing stories of home. Carol had a feeling that no one here would be spending this holiday alone. The library would be the first to share. 

Carol ushered everyone to the Community Room where treats awaited. Thank goodness it was big enough to hold all her new friends. Good stories and good food bring people together. The scent of holiday joy followed them down the stairs. 

Advent Challenge: What scents “make you feel something wonderful could happen?” Offer a welcome to someone by sharing a special meal or favorite holiday treat. Then, expand your feelings of wonder by trying a recipe from another country. Good stories and good food bring people together.

Prayer: Lord, help me welcome new friends to my special places. Expand my home and heart to hold all of my neighbors just as you welcome us all into your kingdom. Help me create a miracle of friendship. Amen

*Available on YouTube

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Day 21: Christmas Connections

Day 21    Christmas Connections

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help. Again, if two lie together, they keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.   Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Wednesday’s Story Hour story, Miracle on 133rd Street,* left everyone hungry. Carol thought she had better have some treats ready when she read to the Story Sharing group on Thursday. 

Carol, Khalil, and Simon spent the afternoon brainstorming for the Chain Game, today’s connection activity on the calendar bulletin board. 

“Someone makes a statement, like, "I walked to school," then others who also walked to school connect by linking elbows. Some folks might be too shy to link elbows, so we’ve brought some garland ropes. When you connect to a statement, you link by grabbing the garland to make a chain. Once everyone has connected, we’ll call out a new prompt. Players have to regroup to match that prompt. By the end of the game, the whole group should be connected,” explained Khalil.

“We need some really good prompts,” said Simon. He read a few: I sing in a choir. I fold my pizza to eat it. I can bake a pie from scratch.

Khalil said, “ I’ve had a bad haircut, I’m good at puzzles, or I love to dance.”

Carol said, I’ve got a good one to connect everyone, I like to make new friends.”

The game and garland were a big hit. After a few prompts by the library staff, game players offered some: I speak another language at home; I don’t use email; I’ve got more than three pairs of shoes; I go to church every Sunday. The chains connected and reconnected. Before long, everyone was laughing and sharing stories. Carol, Khalil, and Simon served gingerbread cookies and punch. 

When they were clearing up, Simon said, “As my mother would say, ‘A good time was had by all.’” 

Carol glanced at the activities calendar as she was locking the library doors. December was almost over. Would they achieve the December goal? 

Carol read the title posted above the calendar. Every day, she was more sure they would. 

Advent Challenge: Play the Chain Game.** With a group, make a statement (see story). Connect with other players who have that statement in common. Take turns giving prompts until your whole group is connected. If you can’t be with friends, try playing this game with a group through email or social media. 

Prayer: Lord, help us to remember that we are all connected and that when we come together, we are stronger and closer to the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. Amen

How good and pleasant it is when Gods people live together in unity!

Psalm 133:1

*Available on YouTube

          **Available on Google


Monday, December 19, 2022

Day 20: Christmas Connections


Day 20    Christmas Connections

O sing to the Lord a new song;

    sing to the Lord, all the earth.

Sing to the Lord, bless his name;
    tell of his salvation from day to day.

Declare his glory among the nations,
    his marvelous works among all the peoples.

Psalm 96:1-3

Carol spent most of Saturday organizing her gift list for her nieces and nephews, Jack, Carson, Finn, Lily, Quinn, and Phillip. Her youngest sister, Nina, and her husband, Nick, were expecting any day now, a girl to be named Nell. As the librarian sister, Carol had given each of her three siblings a bookcase for a wedding present and naturally gave books for birthdays and holidays. Carol enjoyed matching books to ages and interests. As an avid crocheter, she’d made each family member a book-themed scarf or hat.

Christmas was Carol’s favorite time at church. The cantata her choir was practicing for Christmas Sunday, combining familiar carols with some challenging arrangements of classical favorites, was lovely. Carol slipped into the sanctuary early Sunday morning before choir practice to spend a few minutes in prayer before others arrived. Lights twinkled on the tree at the front of the sanctuary and on the wreaths decorating the walls. Porcelain sheep, cattle, and a donkey rested in a large creche on the altar. Mary and Joseph, angels and shepherds would be added later, with the Wise Men showing up in January. The baby Jesus would be placed in the manger on Christmas Eve.

As Carol settled into a pew, her first prayer was one of thanks for her library staff, the Story Hour children and their parents, the tutors, learners, and library patrons she was getting to know. Next came requests for wisdom, kindness, and patience for herself, some specific requests for her new and old friends, and, of course, safety and health for her family. As choir members began drifting in, Carol thanked God for the magic of books and music. 

Picking up her choir folder, Carol joined the choir as they got ready to praise God in song.

Advent Challenge: Gather a few friends to go caroling. Visit your neighbors. If you can’t go out, call someone to share a favorite carol or two. Sing to the Lord!

Prayer: Lord, we raise our voices to sing your praise! We bless your holy name. Amen

Caroling, caroling now we go

Christmas bells are ringing

Caroling, caroling through the snow

Christmas bells are ringing

Joyous voices sweet and clear

Sing the sad of heart to cheer

Ding, dong, ding, dong

Christmas bells are ringing

(Written by Huston and Burt 1954)

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Day 19: Christmas Connections


Day 19   Christmas Connections

Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25:34-36

Carol set a large jar on a table next to the puffy armchair she and Gina had set in the Children’s Alcove that morning. Children wiggled on carpet squares. Carol noted that several from the Reading Room crowd mingled with the parents sitting on folding chairs behind the children. 

“Has your family ever saved up for something special?” Carol asked.

To buy a new video game! To take a plane ride to Grandma’s. To go to the beach!

Carol held up the book, A Chair for My Mother* by Vera B. Williams. “In our story, a family saves for a big comfy chair. Why do you think they need a new chair?” Several children offered reasons, then Carol began. In the story, the little girl, her mother, and her grandmother save coins in a jar. Carol drops a few coins into the jar on the table. Ping, ping, ping. All eyes focus on the jar. 

Carol reads: When we can’t get a single other coin into the jar; we are going to take out all the money to go and buy a chair. That is because our old chairs burned up. There was a big fire in our other house. That wasn’t such a long time ago. 

Here, the story shifts back to tell the story of the fire. Hands fly into the air — everyone has a fire story to share. 

Carol raised a finger, “Let’s do a Think/Pair/Share. Take a minute to think about what you want to say. Then, we’ll pair with a friend to share. Everybody think!”

Eyes closed as thoughts percolated. Carol noticed some deep thinking going on in the back rows of adults. “Ok, find a friend nearby and share!” Kids and adults turned to share. After a few noisy minutes, Carol continued the story. After the fire, the whole neighborhood helps the family by sharing food, furniture, and furnishings. 

Grandma makes a speech, “You are all the kindest people,” she said, “and we thank you very, very much. It’s lucky that we’re young and can start all over.” 

Carol’s listeners applaud when the family fills the jar, buys a comfy flowered chair, and sits together in it their new home. While Gina lines up the children to take them downstairs to decorate cardboard cut-out chairs, parents and library regulars linger to chat. 

Advent Challenge: Save your change in a big jar. Donate it to a good cause.

Prayer: Fill my cup, Lord. I lift it up, Lord. Blessed Lord, you fill our cups to overflowing. Help us share our overflowing cups with those in need. Amen

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, 

and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.    

Psalm 23:6

*Available on YouTube

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Day 18: Christmas Connections


Day 18    Christmas Connections

Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; 

everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

1 John 4:7

“Welcome to Story Sharing. I am happy to see so many new faces. We have a special guest to read with me tonight. Our book is written in Spanish and English so I asked Tonio to read with me.” Carol said. Tonio got a small round of applause.

Carol held up the book, The Christmas Gift/El regal de Navidad.* “After we’ve finished reading, we’ll share stories.” Carol and Tonio sat side by side on the raised platform in the alcove. 

Tonio read, A Panchito no les molestó demasiado. Su amigo, Miguelito, ya se habiá ido dos semanas antes. The melody of the Spanish floated over the crowd. 

Carol repeated in English: Panchito did not mind too much. Miguelito, his friend, left two weeks before. Besides, it had remained most of the time they had been in Corcoran, picking cotton, and Papá, Mamá, and Roberto, Panchito’s older brother, had gone days without work.

The listeners studied the vibrant illustrations showing Panchito’s family, migrant farm laborers, in a shack with a leaky roof. As the story unfolds, Panchito and his family search for cast-off food behind grocery stores and ask the butcher for bones that Mamá will cook for soup to stretch their meager earnings. A few weeks before Christmas, a young husband with a very pregnant wife offers to sell an embroidered handkerchief to Mamá, but Papå shakes his head.

Carol read: “I am sorry. I wish I could, paisano, but we’re broke too.” Saddened to turn them away, Mamá blesses them as they leave, “Que Dios los bendiga.” 

Panchito panics when he hears this. Would Papá and Mamá have enough to get him the pelota roja, the red ball, he wants for Christmas?  

As the story continues and Christmas approaches, the family continues to look for work. On Christmas morning, Papá gives Mamá the embroidered handkerchief the couple had offered to sell. When Panchito sees Mama’s joy and the love his parents share, he forgets about his red ball and hugs and thanks his parents. 

Tonio finished the reading as Panchito says: “Luego abrazo, a los dos — ‘Gracias.’”

Panchito’s story encourages many listeners to share their own experiences. 

Red ball or not, families and friends help one another.  

Advent Challenge: We have been blessed with so much. Give something away to someone in need.

Prayer: Bless us today, O Lord, with a true spirit of generosity. Help us to see the needs of others and fill them. Help us to share your love with all we meet. Amen

*Available on YouTube

Friday, December 16, 2022

Day 17: Christmas Connections


Day 17   Christmas Connections

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. 

Isaiah 11:6

At Story Hour, Carol read The Night Tree* by Eve Bunting, an old favorite of hers. A family bundles up to “squish” into their old pick-up to drive into the forest to look for just the right tree in the moonlight. Carrying a big red lantern, a plaid blanket, and a cardboard box, Dad leads the way. Deer freeze in the lantern’s light and owls hoot from high in the trees. 

“Why do you think the family is looking for a tree?” Carol asked the children.

“To cut it down for a Christmas tree!” several suggested.

“Let’s find out.” Carol turned a page. The cardboard box is open on the ground. Popcorn chains and apples spill out of the box. 

“We made popcorn strings last year to hang on our tree,” said Karl.

“What are the apples for?” asked Liliana.

The story continues as the family decorates a tree with fruit and popcorn strings. Then, the family sits down on the plaid blanket to wait. They drink hot chocolate and sing carols. Sleepily, they gather their things and return to their truck, leaving the decorated tree shining in the moonlit forest glade. 

“Why did they leave the tree?” Tonya wondered. 

Carol reads: Later, in bed, I think about our tree. I think about the birds having Christmas dinner and the squirrels and the possums and the raccoons and the skunks.

In the final illustration, forest animals feast on the tree’s decorations.

“They made the tree for the animals!” Tonya said. “The animals will have a nice Christmas.”

“Turn back a page!” yelled Karl. “Look at the boy’s quilt! It has a tree and stars and animals!”

“I see a raccoon and a bear and fruit!” Liliana said.

After coating pinecones with peanut butter and then rolling them in birdseed, the children trooped out to hang them on the branches of the tree in the library’s courtyard. While the children wondered which animal friends would enjoy their treats, Gina snapped photos to capture their bright and beautiful faces to add to the decorations on the tree inside. 

Advent Challenge: The animals around us are part of our community. Leave a treat for our animal friends.

Prayer: All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful world you created for us all. Amen

*Available on YouTube