Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Two: The Christmas Rose

 The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Two

Since God cares for you, let Him carry all your burdens and worries.

1 Peter 5:7

Cool air filtered through the hole in the greenhouse roof. Luckily, none of the glass had fallen on Joe. He looked around for a cause. Hidden under the foliage of his Peace Rose, a shabby softball rested in the mulch. Joe picked up the ball and looked through the windows to see the back of a dirty jacket disappearing through the rose hedge that bordered his driveway. 

Anger rose in Joe’s chest, not at the retreating figure, but at the cold air rushing into the greenhouse. Before anything else, that hole had to be fixed. Joe had extra panes of glass stored in his shed, but no amount of puttering would get him up on the roof to replace this panel. Should he call his son? Curt lived an hour away and was busy with his job and family. A repairman? Probably cost a fortune and would take weeks to arrive. He sent a silent prayer for help.

As Joe pondered, the chimes of his doorbell sounded above the flowers’ waltz. Switching off the music, Joe walked through the sliding doors into his living room to open the front door. His neighbor, Anna, holding the sleeve of a shaking child, stood on his doorstep. 

    “Ah,” Joe said, “the window shatterer.”

Rose History: Many ancient cultures associated roses with their deities. Roses symbolized the Greek goddess Aphrodite as well as the Egyptian goddess Isis. Christians associate roses with Mary, the mother of Christ. Mary is often painted with a crown of roses, the meaning of the word “rosary."

Rose Hues: White roses symbolize innocence, chastity, and purity. They are used for weddings and christenings. The Virgin Mary is also a symbol of chastity and purity.

Prayer: Lord who reigns from eternity, I trust you to send help when I need it. I can’t solve my problems by myself. You are a saving God. Help me to accept help when you send it. Make me aware of others who need help so that I may offer it as a sign of your love. Amen

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