Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Four: The Christmas Rose


The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Four

Your mind will be clear, free from fear;
    when you lie down to rest, you will be refreshed by sweet sleep.

Proverbs 3:24

The tarp would hold for a few weeks while Joe waited for the repairman. The consequences for Dora’s actions could not wait. Joe knew from raising his children that “the punishment must fit the crime.” Dora’s carelessness with her softball had caused his roses stress, so it was only fitting that Dora helped them return to serenity. 

At 3:25, Dora tapped on the greenhouse door. Joe waved her in. The scent of mulch, moisture, and a general greenness welcomed Dora. Moving carefully, Dora gazed up at the hanging pots and down at the groups of pots decorating the floor. Joe saw the wonder of roses light up her eyes. Even in the late fall, the richness of greenery filled the soul.

“Are all these roses?” Dora asked.

“Most of them are,” Joe answered. “And most of them are dormant.”

“Dormant?” asked Dora

“Sleeping,” said Joe, “building energy to bloom in the spring. Spring comes a little earlier in the greenhouse and winter a little later. The warmth of the sun heats the stones of the floor keeping them warm.”

“Kind of like hibernating,” said Dora. “Like bears.”

“With thorns,” said Joe. “Get some gloves and we’ll get to work.”

Rose History: Christian monks planted rose gardens on the grounds of their monasteries to represent the Garden of Eden. One myth holds that roses had no thorns before the fall. Thorns represent sin, sorrow, and hardship. Thorns on a rose represent pain and pleasure.

Rose Hues: Green roses represent growth, renewal, and fertility. Green roses also symbolize a rejuvenation of spirit and energy. Give green roses to new mothers.

Prayer: God of all, renew me in my resting time so that when I wake, I may grow in faith. Amen

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