Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Nine: The Christmas Rose


The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Nine

Don’t be afraid! Listen! I bring good news, news of great joy, news that will affect all people everywhere. Today, in the city of David, a Liberator has been born for you! He is the promised Anointed One, the Supreme Authority! You will know you have found Him when you see a baby, wrapped in a blanket, lying in a feeding trough.  Luke 2:10-12

“Long ago,” Joe began, “a little shepherd girl needed to give a gift.”

“A shepherd girl? I thought all shepherds were boys. At least they are in our Christmas play. They wear bathrobes and carry sticks.”

“Shepherding was a family business, so everyone played a part. This little shepherd girl’s job was to take her brothers their meals every day. Sheep need watching. No lunch breaks for shepherds!”

“What was her name?” asked Dora.

“Madelon,” said Joe. “At least that is the name I read in a book once.” 

One evening, when the shepherds had stayed late in the field, Madelon took her brothers some supper in a clay pot. Suddenly, the dark sky lit up. Madelon dropped the pot and hid behind a bush. The sound of a thousand wings echoed over her head. Madelon peeped around the bush to see her brothers lying flat on the ground with their hands over their heads. 

“Don’t be afraid,” the angels sang, for that is what they were, “for we bring good news!” A savior has been born in the city of David. Go and find a baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and resting in a manger.” 

“Wait a minute,” Dora said. “I’ve heard this story before but I never heard about a shepherd girl.”

“Small girls are often overlooked,” said Joe. “But the angels didn’t overlook, Madelon.”

Rose History: People who encounter angels in prayer or meditation report smelling the fragrance of roses. A rose scent is a physical sign of spiritual presence. The energy field surrounding roses vibrates at a higher rate than any other flower mimicking the vibrational rate of angels’ wings.

Rose Hues: Black roses signify courage, new beginnings, and major changes. Black roses do not occur naturally in nature. Black roses should be given to someone going through a difficult period, such as a loss of job or a divorce, wishing them courage as they face the changes ahead.

Prayer: Lord of the angels, help me meet changes with courage knowing you are near. Amen

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