Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Twenty-one: The Christmas Rose


The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Twenty-one

ince our gifts vary depending on the grace poured out on each of us, it is important that we exercise the gifts we have been given. If prophecy is your gift, then speak as a prophet according to your proportion of faith. If service is your gift, then serve well. If teaching is your gift, then teach well. If you have been given a voice of encouragement, then use it often. If giving is your gift, then be generous. If leading, then be eager to get started.                                                                                  If sharing God’s mercy, then be cheerful in sharing it.   Romans 12:6-8

Carefully, Dora positioned the shovel under the rose pot and wiggled it onto the floor. Dora then wheeled the pallet over to Joe. Using the shovel as a cane and with Dora’s help, Joe lifted himself onto the pallet and Dora pushed him through the door into the warm kitchen. She grabbed a blanket from the living room couch and wrapped it around Joe’s shoulders. 

“I’m calling 911,” she said. “Just to be sure.”

Shivering, Joe responded, “OK, Doctor Dora. Better to be safe than sorry.”

After the paramedics left, having confirmed that Joe had indeed sprained his wrist and ankle and securing each in a plastic brace, Dora handed Joe a warm cup of cocoa.

“That was quick thinking,” said Joe. “Using the shovel to move the pot to lift me.”

“I knew I wasn’t strong enough to pick you up,” said Dora, “so I used the muscles that don’t show that you told me about.”

Joe sipped his cocoa, “Which muscles did you use.”

“My thinking muscles,” replied Dora. “Now can you use your story-telling muscles to finish the legend of the Christmas Rose?”

Joe sighed, “Maybe tomorrow. All my muscles are aching right now.”

“You told me that you have been waiting for two years for your Christmas Rose to bloom. I guess Madelon and I can wait one more day. I’ll get my brother to fix the hole in the roof. He can plug it with his chewing gum.”

Joe chuckled as he watched Dora return home. Small girls should never be overlooked.

Rose History:  The Virgin Mary is credited with many miracles. In 1531, a Mexican farmer named Juan Diego had a vision of Mary asking him to have a shrine built on Tepeyac Hill. As proof of his vision, Juan found roses blooming in the snow. Juan gathered them in his cloak and presented them to the bishop. When the roses fell out, the image of Mary with roses was imprinted on his cloak. The shrine was built and many miracles have been granted in Mary’s name.

Prayer: God of miracles, help me use the gifts you gave me to share your love. Amen

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