Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Five: The Christmas Rose


The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Five

The Holy Spirit produces a different kind of fruit: unconditional love, joy, peace, patience, kindheartedness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

Galatians 5:22-23

“Ew!” Dora said holding the bucket Joe had handed her at arm’s length. “This stinks!”

“Compost,” said Joe. “Unlike bears, roses like a little meal now and then during their dormancy. I keep all my vegetable scraps, mix them with some nutrients, grind them in my blender, and give each rose a little snack once a week or so.”

“Your blender!” Dora said. “Remind me never to eat anything you cook.”

“It’s a special blender I use just for compost. I put the scraps from my veggies in a compost bin out back. After a while, I scoop out the warm and juicy compost, mix in nutrients, and blend them. Your job is to feed the roses. Each plant has a note telling how much to feed it. Too much or too little is bad for roses. Today is a green day. That means I feed all the roses with a green stake.”

Dora picked up the compost bucket. Joe handed her a teaspoon. She walked over to the first group of roses looking for the green stakes.

“Open up, little roses,” she crooned. “Here comes supper!”

Rose History: The Sufi philosopher Hazrat Inayat Khan wrote that a rose blooming from bud to flower is like a soul opening to God: The soul becomes like a rose and begins to show rose quality. Just as the rose consists of many petals held together, so the person who attains to the unfoldment of the soul begins to show many different qualities. These qualities emit fragrance in the form of a spiritual personality. Roses represent the opening of our souls to the beauty of God and his creation.

Rose Hues: Yellow roses represent friendship and caring. Sending yellow roses shows that you are opening your heart to a friend.

Prayer: Sweet Savior, open my soul to the beauty of your love so that I may breathe out the sweet fragrance of your love. Amen

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