Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Fourteen: The Christmas Rose


The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Fourteen

So they ran into town, and eventually, they found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the feeding trough. After they saw the baby, they spread the story of what they had experienced and what had been said to them about this child. Everyone who heard their story couldn’t stop thinking about its meaning. Mary, too, pondered all of these events, treasuring each memory in her heart. The shepherds returned to their flocks, praising God for all they had seen and heard, and they glorified God for the way the experience had unfolded just as the heavenly messenger had predicted.  Luke 2:16-20

“Did Madelon just turn around and go home?” asked Dora. “She must have felt so disappointed.”

“Yes, and she didn’t feel any better when her brothers left the cave and ran off without even noticing her. The shepherds headed into Bethlehem to spread the wondrous news of angels and kings. Madelon watched them go without calling out.” Joe continued the story.

The star still shone above. The message of the angels rang in Madelon’s ears. The smile of the infant still warmed her heart. But her hands were still empty. She had no gift. An idea formed in her mind. Perhaps she could find some flowers to give to the newborn king.

Frantically, Madelon searched around the cave for some blooms but she found nothing but withered grass on the cold ground. Madelon sank to the ground as her heart sank too. She had nothing to give. Tears dripped from her eyes onto the ground into the dead grass. 

In the light of the star, Madelon’s tears glistened in the grass. An angel, hovering over the cradle, noticed the small girl shedding them. Reading the sighs of her heart, the angel breathed a warming wind through the cave’s entrance. 

When Madelon stopped weeping, she looked around her. Snow white blossoms littered the ground where her tears had fallen. Gathering them in her arms, Madelon rose to welcome the king.

Rose History: The Chinese philosopher Confucius noted the hundreds of books about roses cataloged in the emperor’s library. The popularity of roses grew during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) when they were plated around palaces and in parks. 

Rose Hues: White roses represent new beginnings — births, young love, and youthfulness.

Prayer: Lord, I open my arms to you waiting for the miracle of your love to fill them. Amen

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