Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Sixteen: The Christmas Rose


The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Sixteen

I have loved you as the Father has loved Me. Abide in My love. Follow My example in obeying the Father’s commandments and receiving His love. If you obey My commandments, you will stay in My love. I want you to know the delight I experience, to find ultimate satisfaction, which is why I am telling you all of this.   John 15:9-11

“Infants don’t laugh,” Dora said, “He must have burped.”

“Madelon said it was a laugh when she told her children and grandchildren years later.”

“I never heard about Jesus laughing,” said Dora, “I know that the song says, The little Lord, Jesus, no crying he makes, but it doesn’t say anything about laughing”

“Every baby laughs,” said Joe. “I think Jesus must have laughed a lot in his life. He saw people running around trying to follow a lot of rules and getting into all kinds of scrapes and misunderstandings. He must have laughed to think that they were missing the point that being good is more about loving others and less about keeping the rules. He loved to tell stories. People like funny stories so he must have told a lot of those too.”

“We never hear any of those in Sunday School,” said Dora.

“Maybe he told so many that the Gospel writers didn’t think to write them down. Maybe they were laughing too hard to write. But Jesus must have laughed and spread great joy. Just as the angels announced Tidings of great joy! Jesus spread so much joy that we still feel it. I know I do.”

“Me, too,” said Dora. “But what happened to Madelon?”

Rose History: All major religions include roses in their accounts of miraculous love at work in the world. In mythology, when gods and goddesses interacted with each other and humans, roses represented eternal love. Pagan religions use roses to represent their hearts. Roses are symbols of the human soul for Muslims. The scent of roses reminds them of their spiritual connections to God. Roses and other flowers represent spiritual joy for Buddhists and Hindus. Christians see roses as reminders of the paradise lost in the Garden of Eden, reflecting God’s design before sin entered the world.

Rose Hues: White roses signify young love and loyalty. White roses are given on occasions of joy, such as weddings and births.

Prayer: As the angels announced tidings of great joy, as the baby in the manger brought joy to the shepherds and the wise men, grant, O, Lord, us joy to share with your people.  Amen

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