Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Twenty-three: The Christmas Rose

 The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Twenty-three

Then, the root of Jesse will emerge—
He rises to rule all the peoples of the world
    who come to Him for guidance and direction.
In Him they place their hope.

Romans 8:12

Joe’s daughter arrived on Saturday, tidied up the house and Joe cooked a few more meals, and left on Sunday morning. After Sunday school and church, Dora knocked on the greenhouse door. Joe was hobbling around feeding the roses and listening to another of his favorite pieces, A Spotless Rose by Herbert Howels.

A spotless Rose is blowing Sprung from a tender root,

Of ancient seers' foreshowing, Of Jesse promised fruit; Its fairest bud unfolds to light Amid the cold, cold winter And in the dark midnight. 

Quickly closing the door behind her, Dora hurried over to check on the Christmas Rose. 

“The buds look ready to open!” Dora cried. “I’m sure it will bloom for Christmas.”

Joe looked at the gray clouds hanging over the greenhouse. “I think we will have snow too.”

“Snow and roses for Christmas! Just like in the story. Now, all we need is a star, some angels, some shepherds, kings with gifts, Mary and Joseph, and a laughing baby in a manger,” Dora said.

“We still have the songs of the angels, the light of the star, and the joy of that baby,” Joe said.

“And we have the story of Madelon. Can we finish it today?”

Joe settled into his chair. “We sure can.”

The baby in the manger looked at the roses blooming on Madelon’s cheeks and laughed. His mother laughed. His father laughed. Madelon, in the light of the star, in the warmth of the stable, in the echo of the angel’s song, in the reflection of the rose’s hue and the tickle of the baby’s smile, laughed with joy. Good news had come to earth with the laughter of a child. 

    Madelon would carry it in her heart just as her arms had carried the roses that bloomed in the snow.

Even today, the Christmas Rose blooms in the cold and snow, reminding us of the miracle of a child born bringing hope, joy, and beauty to the world — the Prince of Love and Light.

The music ended as Joe ended his story. “Now, I have a special song to play for you.”

“Oh!” Dora jumped up. “I almost forgot to tell you what I found in the library!”

Prayer: I pray that God, the source of all hope, will infuse your lives with an abundance of joy and peace in the midst of your faith so that your hope will overflow through the power of the Holy Spirit.  (Romans 8:13) Amen 

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