Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Three: The Christmas Rose

 The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Three

Most of all, friends, always rejoice in the Lord! I never tire of saying it: Rejoice!

Philippians 4:4

His neighbor spoke, “ Hello, Joe, I, ah, WE are so sorry about your greenhouse window. Dora, say you’re sorry.”

“Sorry,” Dora muttered without looking up.

“I’ve warned her dozens of times not to hit balls so close to the house but she never listens.” 

“Not listening is a specialty of children,” Joe said.

Anna continued, “Well, this time, Dora must take the consequences for her actions and pay for the repairs. How much do you think it will cost to replace that pane?”

“It’s not the cost that worries me so much as the timing. If my roses get cold, they won’t last long,” Joe said.

Her mother glared at Dora, “See what happens when you don’t listen?”

Talking to Joe’s shoes, Dora asked, “If you cover the hole will the roses be safe?”

“Yes,” Joe answered, “but I am too old to climb up to cover it.”

A smile lifted Dora’s head, “I’m not only good at softball. I’m good at climbing too!”

Joe returned Dora’s smile. In all the years he had known the family, he had seen Dora grow from a curious toddler to a wiry but small ten-year-old. Joe said, “I have a sturdy ladder in my shed and a tarp. If I hold the ladder, we can have that hole covered in a minute, with your mother’s permission.” 

Looking up at the not-so-angry-now mother, Joe continued, “After we cover the hole, we can figure out how Dora will pay for the repairs. Send her over tomorrow after school.” 

Rose History: Ancient cultures in the Middle East, such as the Persians and the Turks, cultivated roses for centuries before the Crusades in the 11th and 12 centuries. After the horrors of war, European Knights returned home with roses from the gardens of the Middle East.

Rose Hues: Pink roses symbolize gratitude, grace, and joy. 

Prayer:  Holy Savior, thank you for returning joy to a sinful world. Help me to share the joy you give me with others. Amen

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