Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Fifteen: The Christmas Rose


The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Fifteen

At this, some of Jesus’ followers brought their children before Jesus; they wanted Him to place His hands on the children and pray for them. Some of the disciples, mistakenly thinking that Jesus wouldn’t want to be bothered with the likes of children, began to rebuke the crowd.

Jesus: Let the little children come to Me; do not get in their way. For the kingdom of heaven belongs to children like these.       Matthew 19:13-14

“Wow!” said Dora, “Her tears became flowers?”

“Yes,” said Joe. “The flowers Madelon gathered are called the Christmas Rose. But the story doesn’t end there. What do think happened when Madelon gave the flowers to the baby?”

Madelon crept into the cave holding the blossoms close to her heart. The warmth of the stable enveloped her as she stepped into the low light surrounding the mother, father, and baby. The mother’s smile welcomed Madelon and the father gestured to the child who cooed in the manger. Madelon’s mother had told her that infants did not really smile but this child seemed older than the few hours since he had arrived. 

This child smiled as Madelon approached and laid the white blossoms at his feet. He looked at Madelon and then reached for the white flowers. When his baby fingers brushed the white petals a pink blush rose. The blush spread from the miraculous flowers to Madelon’s cheeks. The baby looked from the flowers to Madelon’s cheeks and laughed.

Rose History: In ancient Rome and Greece, roses symbolized secrecy. In one military operation, generals strategized behind a huge rose bush. Ever after, when something was done in secret, it was called sub rosa, which means “beneath the rose.” Roses painted on the ceilings of palaces where the Romans held their decadent parties signified “sub rosa” or not to be spoken of in public. This led to the saying, “What happens in Rome, stays in Rome.”

Rose Hue: Orange roses signify enthusiasm for a well-earned accomplishment: “I’m proud of you.”

Prayer: Holy Jesus, once a child, welcoming children, sharing childish joy, help me to welcome children with open arms and hearts. Bathe them in the smile of your love. Amen

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