Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Twenty-two: The Christmas Rose


The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Twenty-two

Nor should you worry about clothes. Consider the lilies of the field and how they grow. They do not work or weave or sew, and yet their garments are stunning. Matthew 6:28

Joe’s son arrived early the next morning and insisted that Joe get his wrist and ankle x-rayed. Satisfied that both were only sprained, he plugged the hole in the greenhouse glass, cooked Joe a good lunch, and stored some more meals in the freezer for the coming days. After promising to phone every evening and visit on the weekend, Curt left him cozied up in his chair with a steaming cup of cocoa and some music playing on the stereo, Alexander Borodin’s From My Tears Sprang Flowers, a Russian song based on a poem. Many blooming flowers spring forth from my tears, and my sighing becomes joined with the chorus of the nightingales. Not exactly a Christmas Rose but close. 

Joe was drifting off when the doorbell chimed. Without waiting for Joe to answer, Dora pushed open the door and skipped inside. 

“Mom said not to stay too long today because you have to rest. Do you need any help today?”

“My son fed me and the roses so I am all set,” Joe said.

“I want to hear the end of Madelon’s story but I can wait— just like you are waiting for the Christmas Rose to bloom. Wouldn’t it be great if it bloomed for Christmas?”

“Christmas is just a week away so it could happen. How was your Arctic Animal presentation?”

Dora plopped on the ottoman by Joe’s feet. “It went great! My teacher let me push the cart back to the library. It was easy! And you will never guess what I found in the new book display!”

Joe’s steady breathing became a soft snore. Dora tucked his blankets tighter and tiptoed out the door. Her story and his could wait for another day.

Rose History:  The scent of roses evokes the powerful sweetness of love. Thomas More, an Irish poet and lyricist wrote, You may break, you may shatter the vase, if you will, But the scent of the roses will hang round it still. The scent of God’s love, represented in roses, lingers.

Rose Hues:  The salmon-pink rose named Boscobel has a scent reminiscent of myrrh and pears, elderberries, and almonds. Many roses are known for their distinctive fragrance.

Prayer:  Holy Lord, may the fragrance of your love surround me as I share it with others. Amen

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