Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Ten: The Christmas Rose


The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Ten

Where is this newborn, who is the King of the Jews? When we were far away in the East we saw His star, and we have followed its glisten and gleam all this way to worship Him.  Matthew 2:2

Joe continued his story.

When the angels finished singing, Madelon’s brothers jumped up from the ground shouting with joy. Madelon was about to step out from behind the bush when her brothers fell to the ground again. Dark shapes cast shadows in the moonlight. Strange animals, carrying strange men dressed in fine garments, loomed over the frightened shepherds. To Madelon’s amazement, the strange creatures knelt by the fire and one of the men strode over to her brothers. 

“We have followed a star that announced the birth of a great king,” the man said. His accent was strange but he spoke a language Madelon knew. “We have been to the city and King Herod directed us to Bethlehem. We bring gifts for the newborn king.”

Madelon looked at the strange creatures kneeling by the fire. Heavy baskets hung from their sides. The travelers warmed themselves by the fire. Her astonished brothers told the men of the angels and their message. They pointed the way to Bethlehem. The travelers remounted and the strange creatures lumbered off in the moonlight.

Rose History: Ancient Romans, Greeks, and Phoenicians cultivated roses for trade. During the seventeenth century, members of the royalty used roses and rose water as barter and for payments. Roses spread throughout the Middle East and around the Mediterranean. 

Rose Hues:  Purple roses represent adoration, royalty, and majesty. Purple roses can be given to someone you admire, someone you look up to, someone whose opinion you value. Give purple roses to leaders and mentors. 

Prayer:  King of Kings, accept my most precious gifts as a symbol of the love and adoration I offer with my whole heart. Amen

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