Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Eighteen: The Christmas Rose


The Christmas Rose

An Advent Story Calendar

Day Eighteen

I look up at the vast size of the mountains— from where will my help come in times of trouble

The Eternal Creator of heaven and earth and these mountains will send the help I need. 

He holds you firmly in place; He will not let you fall.  

He who keeps you will never take His eyes off you and never drift off to sleep. Psalm 121:1-3

Rain pattered against the windows of the greenhouse amplifying the sublime melody of Gabriel Faure’s Les Roses. Joe’s puttering was a bit brisker as he anticipated Dora’s visit. As the soprano reached for the higher notes of her solo, Joe lifted his eyes to the sky and his thoughts turned to his Darling Rose. As his gaze rose, he felt a small drop on his cheek. Teardrops? No, raising his eyes to the roof, Joe saw a pinhole in the pane that had been replaced after the softball incident. A pinhole would let in cold air and cold air was not good for Joe’s roses.

Joe considered his options. Waiting weeks for a repairman or waiting for Dora to get home from school. Children and ladders in the rain didn’t mix. Repairmen and ladders in the rain didn’t mix either. 

Joe looked around the greenhouse for an answer. Maybe he could plug the hole with some duct tape. Duct tape was good for everything. If he put some on the end of the pole he used to open the skylights and wiggled it into place over the hole, he and the roses could wait for the repairman. 

Joe positioned the tape on the pole and reached up. Looking up, he forgot to look down at his feet. 

Crash! went the compost bucket. 

Crash! went Joe as he slipped on the slimy rose food. 

Rose History:  The poem, LES ROSES D’ISPAHAN by Charles Leconte de Lisle was first published in 1884, inspired by the ideals of the Persian capital of Isfahan. The city was filled with roses which had been first brought to Europe during the Crusades. The poem was set to music by Gabriel Fauré, a French composer, organist, pianist, and teacher. Fauré’s music, first written for a soprano with piano accompaniment, has also been sung by tenors and arranged for orchestra and is frequently performed today. 

Rose Hues: Lavender roses represent wonder and enchantment and are associated with royalty.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I lift my eyes to you. Thank you for holding me “firmly in place.” Help me when I fall away from your love. Hold me in your heavenly embrace. Amen

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