Sunday, December 5, 2021

Day 6: Stay Out of Bethlehem

 Day 6

Said the night wind to the little lamb,

"Do you see what I see?

Way up in the sky, little lamb,

Do you see what I see?

A star, a star, dancing in the night

With a tail as big as a kite,

With a tail as big as a kite."

Celia remembered struggling to open the heavy door. Loaded with bags filled with books, blocks, crayons, and plastic coins, Celia’s mind whirled with plans for her first day teaching kindergarten. Her first jobs had been in accounting, but after a few years of counting numbers, Celia had returned to school to pursue a degree in education. After graduating in early December with her provisional certification in Elementary Ed, Celia had been hired immediately at Starbright school as a long-term substitute. 

With grades kindergarten to eighth, the school stretched out behind a church building that creaked with age. About a century newer, the school was hanging on with a hope and a prayer (heavy on the prayer) as the church lost members to more contemporary congregations in town. Celia thought it fitting that she start her career at Starbright, since the name Celia derives from “celestial,” meaning “of the stars.” A large illuminated star hung on the wall above the school’s name. A good sign for a new beginning.  

Bags tumbling from her shoulders, Celia lost her grip on the door. A hand, attached to a long arm, reached over her and grabbed the door. 

Advent Challenge: Advent is a time for new beginnings. Every morning, God grants us a new day. Do we greet each day with expectation or dread? Do we look to the stars or focus on the ground? Welcome each day of Advent as a new beginning — a day to give thanks, a day to give praise, a day to seek forgiveness, a day to grant forgiveness, a day to count your blessings, a day to share God’s love. Expect goodness and light and you will find them.

PrayerSaid the king to the people everywhere,"Listen to what I say! Pray for peace, people, everywhere. Listen to what I say! The Child, the Child sleeping in the night, He will bring us goodness and light, He will bring us goodness and light.” Dear Lord, you fill each day with goodness and light. Thank you for new beginnings. Thank you for Jesus. We pray for peace for people everywhere. Amen

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