Saturday, December 18, 2021

Day 19: Stay Out of Bethlehem


Stay Out of Bethlehem

An Advent Calendar Story

Day 19

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,

earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;

snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow, snow on snow,

In the bleak midwinter, long ago.

Stay out of Bethlehem. How could she stay out of Bethlehem and still tell the story of redemption? Celia remembered a trick her college literature teacher had used. She asked the class to imagine themselves into whatever story they were reading. What did they see? What sounds did they hear? What smells tickled their noses? Was the air still, breezy, warm, frigid, charged with excitement, shattered by fear? 

Celia’s gaze wandered to the painting over her desk. The Holy Family looked lonely tonight. Mary must have wished for her family to be gathered around her at the birth of her first child. Joseph, like many husbands, probably felt useless during Mary’s labor, asking how he could help, perhaps tripping over his own feet as he listened to Mary’s heavy breathing and the tiny cries of the newborn. No angels had arrived yet to announce the holy birth. The shepherds with praises and the kings with gifts had yet to come. It was just Mary with Joseph, and a newborn child. 

The night air must have been chilly. Did Mary worry that the swaddling cloths were warm enough? Did Joseph try to start a fire? Did he wonder how he would feed his family? Had they carried food? Did the baby’s cries mingle with the lows of cattle or sighs of birds nesting in the rafters? Did they waken other travelers? Did the smell of manure fill the air? The night was dark and they were alone — at least in tradition— until the angels and shepherds arrived. 

A mother and father alone in the moonlight worn out from travel and labor wondering at the miracle of birth as the stars shone bright above. 

Advent Challenge: Imagine yourself into the story of Bethlehem. What would you see, smell, hear, touch and taste? Is it stable dark? Are you shivering? Is your stomach rumbling? Do you hear the angels singing? Are the aromas of earth filling your nostrils? Are you calming Mary? Are you helping Joseph warm the stable? Are you singing with the angels or kneeling with the shepherds? What gift would you bring? Welcome the infant king. 

Prayer: What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; if I were a Wise Man, I would do my part; yet what I can I give him: give him my heart. Today, Lord, I give you my heart. Amen

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