Thursday, December 2, 2021

Day 3: Stay Out of Bethlehem


Day 3

The cattle are lowing

The poor Baby wakes

But little Lord Jesus

No crying He makes

The stars in the bright sky

Looked down where He lay

The little Lord Jesus

Asleep on the hay

Celia glanced into the mirror now shimmering in the dying day. The mirror caught the light of the rising and setting sun daily though it did not face the window. Joe had anchored it there many years ago in the soon-to-be nursery. The mirror had caught the awe-filled looks on the expectant parents’ faces as they set up the waiting cradle. Later, the mirror reflected their panicked faces when the baby’s sleepy sighs turned into lusty howls. Over the years, the mirror had recorded the first steps of their baby girl, countless funny faces, a young lady stepping into her first high heels, and the again awe-filled faces of her parents as she twirled around in her graduation gown. Merry, a Christmas present, the light in her newborn eyes reflecting the lights on their Christmas tree, embodied her name still. 

Every child is a gift. Celia learned this lesson from her own children and from the children she taught. Each student was a gift waiting to be unwrapped. Gifts filled with energy, joy, curiosity, hope, anger, sorrow, trust, and love, each child yearning to share their lives with their teachers. Shy smiles, uncontrolled giggles, tears sliding down rosy cheeks, little hands waving in the air or slipping into hers — gifts Celia would always treasure.  

Celia’s memories faded into the shimmering glass as she pulled herself out of her memories. 

She turned to face the empty computer screen.

Advent Challenge: What gifts have children given you? Take a moment to remember and appreciate each child in your life. Choose one or two to contact. Send a small gift — some stickers, a riddle, a page to color, a card — with a note telling them how much you love and appreciate them. Give thanks for the gift of children.

Prayer: Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay close by me forever, and love me I pray.

Bless all the dear children In Thy tender care, and take us to heaven to live with thee there.  Amen

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