Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Day 15: Stay Out of Bethlehem


Day 15

Lullay, lullay

My little tiny child

By-by, lullay, lullay

Nursing Merry had been difficult at first. It had all seemed so easy when the nurses explained it in the maternity ward. Joe hovered over them tripping over his feet trying to help. Together, Merry and Celia had figured it out after Joe had stumbled off, exhausted, to bed. After Merry fell asleep, Celia sat and wondered at the tiny life resting in her arms. 

Many nights, Celia pondered Mary’s feelings as she held the baby who would save the world. She might have gazed at the bright star lighting the night. She must have puzzled over the shepherds’ homage. Joseph’s nerves must have frayed after the long journey, the baby’s birth, and the arrival of so many strangers asking questions. Had Mary known how to care for the child? Had Joseph fussed over her or calmed her?

Celia treasured the midnight hours she had spent in that room gazing into Merry or Hurry’s eyes. Holy hours. The chair and the cradle were long gone, but the feeling of those sacred moments lingered. 

Celia looked up at the Nativity painting now hanging above her desk and thought of Joe. He had stood guard over his family for as long as he could. She felt his presence even now. 

Advent Challenge: Things that seemed so simple once may have become difficult lately. Grocery shopping, visiting the dentist, visiting a friend, or just taking a walk require extra preparation and new precautions. Many can no longer gather for worship. Our nerves are frayed. We feel inadequate. 

The journey of life you have planned may have been diverted, interrupted, or canceled. Yet, God’s holy hours linger. Today, look for sacred moments where the peace of God calms your soul. Jesus stands guard over our life’s journey. Rest in him.

Prayer: Lullay, lullay, my little tiny child by-by, lullay, lullay. Gentle Jesus, soothe our spirits. Remind us that you walk with us on our journey preparing the way, keeping us safe, giving us peace. Help us rest in your love. Amen

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