Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Day 16: Stay Out of Bethlehem


Day 16

As Joseph was a-walking, he heard the angels sing,

“This night there shall be born, our heavenly king.

He neither shall be born in house not in hall, 

Nor in the place of paradise but in an ox stall.”

After a brief courtship, aided by a school full of matchmakers, Celia and Joe were married in the Starbright School courtyard, followed by a reception in the cafeteria and dancing on the playground— the perfect wedding venue for two teachers. At the reception, Joe had toasted his bride with a carton of chocolate milk: “To Celia, my bright star!”  

They found a little house with a tiny yard that became the loving home for their growing family. Joe had wanted children from the start. Merry came along about two years after the wedding. Hurry followed closely a year and a half later. Having two babies in diapers while teaching was a challenge but with the help of Joe’s parents, school holidays, and summer breaks, they had made it. Joe had used his carving and carpentry skills to furnish their house and to make a bit of extra money for soccer shoes, piano lessons, bicycle helmets, and trips to the beach. 

Joe jumped right into fatherhood, changing diapers, bandaging knees, grinning through piano recitals, lugging equipment to and from games, wiping away tears, and telling dad jokes which made Merry and Hurry groan and giggle. Through the children’s growing years, Joe and Celia had less time for each other but managed to keep their romance alive holding hands in the bleachers, exchanging grimaces when tiny fingers lost the melody, and whispering endearments while little athletes slumbered in the back seat. 

Every morning, before school, Joe had led them in prayer before engulfing them in a family hug. Celia missed his arms around her. 

Advent Challenge: Are you missing someone this Christmas? So many who we expected to celebrate with us are gone. Young people have a lot of expectations — of love, of home, of children. Parents have expectations too — of smiling faces, of hugs and kisses, of family tranquility. Older people expect a peaceful retirement, adventurous traveling, time to reflect and relax. Then reality strikes. Couples argue. Children fuss. Health fails. Loved ones leave us. With love and prayer, we meet the challenges of life. Joseph didn’t expect his betrothed to be with child, to travel far from home, to shelter in a stable, to raise a Savior, but he believed the words of the angels and trusted in God. Give your expectations and unexpected challenges to God today. Trust in his love.

Prayer: Mary took her baby, she dressed him so sweet, she laid him in a manger, all there for to sleep. As she stood over him, she heard the angels sing, “O bless our dear Savior, our heavenly king.” Dear Lord, we often expect one thing and get another. Help us accept the unexpected by trusting in you. Amen

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