Friday, December 24, 2021

Day 25: Stay Out of Bethlehem


Stay Out of Bethlehem

An Advent Calendar Story

Day 25

Silent night, Holy night.

Son of God, love's pure light

Radiant beams from Thy holy face,

With the dawn of redeeming grace,

Jesus Lord at thy birth;

Jesus Lord at thy birth.

Celia looked up from her story. Candles flickered in the sanctuary lighting the faces of the worshippers looking up at her in the pulpit. “When I was asked to write a story for tonight, I told myself to stay out of Bethlehem. That sacred story had been told and I could write nothing more. I struggled to come up with something new and original. I prayed for inspiration. My prayers went unanswered. As long as I was determined to stay out of Bethlehem, no story came.”

Celia pointed to the star now hanging over the manger, the star that Joe had crafted in his workshop which hung over the stable he had built and filled with carved figures of Joseph, Mary, shepherds, sheep, and kings. 

“The star that brightened the skies over the shepherds; the star that guided the wise men, the star that hung over the stable where a mother watched in awe and a father stood guard, announced the Savior who redeemed the world. On that star-bright night, no one could stay out of Bethlehem. Neither should we. We cannot stay out of Bethlehem when a Savior awaits us there. Kneel with the shepherds. Join the angels’ song. Feel his peace. Take the star-bright light of the Savior with you into the world. Share the story of our Savior. Carry him in your heart. Shine his light into the world.”

As the organ lifted the congregation to their feet for the final carol, tears pricked Celia’s eyes. She looked down at Merry and Hurry holding their lit candles high. She smiled at Joe’s handiwork gracing the altar. A tiny elephant, carved into the back of the stable, smiled back at her. 

Celia had tried to stay out of Bethlehem but had failed. Star-bright, it shone in her heart. Lifting her candle, she joined in singing, “Wondrous Star, lend thy light; With the angels let us sing, Alleluia to our King; Christ the Savior is born. Christ the Savior is born!”

Advent Challenge: Rejoice! Christ the Savior is born!

Prayer: Wondrous star, lend thy light. With the angels let us sing, Alleluia to our King. Christ the Savior is here, Jesus the Savior is here. Lord, we shine with the star; we sing with the angels; we worship with the shepherds; we bring gifts like the Wise Men; we give you our hearts. Amen

Lisa Marie Crane


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