Monday, December 20, 2021

Day 21: Stay Out of Bethlehem


Stay Out of Bethlehem

An Advent Calendar Story

Day 21

Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown,

When thou camest to earth for me;

But in Bethlehem’s home was there found no room

For Thy holy nativity.

O come to my heart, Lord Jesus

There is room in my heart for Thee.

Merry’s knock came earlier than expected, Celia was just slipping into her shoes. Opening the door, Celia was surprised to see both Merry and Hurry, laden under wrapped packages, standing on the doorstep. Bustling inside, they dropped their packages under the tree and gathered Celia into a family hug. Caught in their arms, Celia felt Joe’s arms once more around them. 

“The tree is beautiful, Mom,” said Merry. “Here’s the lamb ornament I made for you in first grade, and there’s Hurry’s smiling elephant. Remember how he argued that elephants would have been welcome at the manger? He and Dad carved it from some scrap wood. You were so worried that he would cut his little fingers! But here he is, fingers intact, still carving masterpieces from wood.”

“And this year,” Hurry held up a small package, “another incredible ornament for our family tree.” He handed over the package for Celia to open. 

“You always use too much tape,” Celia scolded pulling the paper off. She opened a small box to find a tiny nativity scene. Mary rested with the infant in her arms. Joseph stood watch over them. A star shone above them. Tears pricked Celia’s eyes as she wrapped her arms around Hurry.

“I know how you love that painting,” he said. “Now, what’s for dinner? Isn’t today some special day? I know. It’s Mistle’s birthday!” Merry swatted his arm, scooped up Mistle who had been curling around her feet, and kissed Celia on the cheek. 

“Let’s put it on the tree right under the star Dad made for your first Christmas. Dad always called it our star-bright tree.”

Laughter flavored their dinner as well as a few tears of remembrance. As Merry and Hurry cleared and washed up, Celia slipped into her office to get her tote bag. Ready or not, it was Christmas Eve. Ready or not, Joseph traveled with his pregnant wife to Bethlehem. Ready or not, Mary’s baby arrived and rested in a manger. Ready or not, the world welcomed a Savior. Ready or not, it was time to go to Bethlehem.

Advent Challenge:  Ready or not, Jesus comes. Are you prepared? Have you made room in your heart? Get ready. He comes. 

Prayer: Oh come to my heart, Lord Jesus, there is room in my heart for thee. Amen

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