Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Day 23: Stay Out of Bethlehem


Stay Out of Bethlehem

An Advent Calendar Story

Day 23

There’s a song in the air!

There’s a star in the sky!

There’s a mother’s deep prayer and a babies low cry!

And the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing,

for the manger in Bethlehem cradles a King!

This night, on a hillside outside of Bethlehem, we had begun to doze as the fire burned down. Our flocks dotted the hillside around us. The moon floated dimly above us as we wrapped ourselves in our cloaks taking turns to rest as others watched. The night was cool. The fire was warm. Sleep called.

Suddenly, the skies blazed with light. Many jumped to their feet and pointed heavenward. Was it lightening? A shooting star? Shimmers of light dimmed the light of the moon. Shapes formed. Beings of light! 

We dropped to our knees pulling our cloaks over our heads as a voice called from above, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in Bethlehem, a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

The sky filled with a heavenly army as we prostrated ourselves on the grass. Voices filled the air:  “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to men on whom his favor rests.” 

The sky emptied as quickly as it had filled. The sheep dozed around us still. Had we imagined it? Amos, the boldest among us, spoke first, “Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened that the angels told us about.” All wanted to go but someone must stay with the flocks. Remembering my father’s admonition to stay out of Bethlehem, I volunteered. Watching the others hurry away, I wondered if I had made a bad choice.

I sighed with the sheep as I added fuel to the fire. An orphaned lamb rested close to its warmth. Gazing skyward, I saw a new light. Again the moon waned but no angels filled the sky. This time, a star blazed ever brighter over the town of Bethlehem. Star-bright, Bethlehem seemed to glow. I saw my friends reach the edges of town. They bypassed the inn and stopped before a stable. What caused them to drop to their knees? 

Advent Challenge: Have your earthly responsibilities kept you from kneeling at the manger? From now until Christmas, focus on worshipping the King of Heaven sleeping in a manger, the Savior who died to save you from sin, the God who loves you. Rejoice!

Prayer: We rejoice in the light, and we echo the song that comes down through the night from the heavenly throng. Ay! We shout to the lovely evangel they bring, and we greet in his cradle our Savior and King! Lord, we greet you with open hearts. Fill them with your love. Amen

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