Saturday, December 4, 2021

Day 5: Stay Out of Bethlehem


Day 5

This star drew nigh to the northwest,

O’er Bethlehem it took its rest;

And there it did both stop and stay

Right over the place where Jesus lay.

Her tea now as cold as Scrooge’s door knocker, Celia rose from her desk and headed to the kitchen, her cat Mistle hot on her heels. Mistle, or Mistletoe, a black cat with white paws, really belonged to Merry, a sixteenth-birthday gift from Joe. Joe had never let Merry’s birthday get lost in the holiday rush. Racing Celia down the stairs, Mistle stopped hopefully before her empty bowl. Her purrs filled the silence of the kitchen as she curled around Celia’s feet waiting for her to open a fresh pouch of kitty food. 

Celia crossed the kitchen to the radio planning to catch up on the latest news. She flipped it on but then immediately tuned to another station. The news today was just too much for her. Soft holiday tunes echoed in the empty kitchen. Celia sang along as she worked up the energy to fix herself some dinner. Hark the Herald Angels Sing, The First Noel, Silent Night, all recalling that sacred night in Bethlehem. Each carol a story.  

Celia sorted through the mail on the kitchen table. Her eyes wandered over the three empty chairs across from her perch. Merry’s and Hurry’s (a nickname which fit her son Harry exactly) faced each other at the sides. Joe’s empty chair stared back at her. 

Having finished her food, Mistle hopped into Celia’s lap, kneaded to soften it, and settled down for a nap. Looking down at the sleeping cat, Celia noted that her stomach did not need extra kneading these days. Merry was right about healthy eating and exercise. Absently, Celia stroked her pet as her mind drifted back to a Christmas long ago.

Advent Challenge: What is your favorite Christmas Carol? What stories are told? Do some research about its history and composer. Does the melody lift your spirit or bring you peace? Do the lyrics give you hope or make you feel reverent? During the Advent season, think about each carol you hear. What story does each tell? How do the stories of the carols fit into the story of your life?

Prayer: The first Noel the angel did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay keeping their sheep, on a cold winter’s night that was so deep. Dear Lord, as every carol tells a story of Christmas, may our lives tell the story of your love. Noel, Noel, Noel! Noel!  Amen

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