Sunday, December 19, 2021

Day 20: Stay Out of Bethlehem


Stay Out of Bethlehem

An Advent Calendar Story

Day 20

In the little village of Bethlehem

There lay a Child one day,

And the sky was bright with a holy light

O’er the place where Jesus lay.

December 23rd found Celia avoiding her laptop and baking a cake for Merry’s birthday. Did she have twenty-eight candles? How could Merry grow so old? Celia had been just that age when she had met Joe, and thirty when Merry was born. Merry has so much life ahead of her. Celia and Joe had encouraged her to follow her dreams and she had, studying hard to get into an architecture program, traveling the world to mine the riches of ancient and modern buildings, getting into a coveted internship program, and finally earning a job with a good firm in the city. Hurry had followed his father into the industrial arts, opening his own cabinet-making and design business in a rural area. Joe had been so proud of both of them. 

Twenty-eight. Celia had felt just that young every time she looked into Joe’s face until the last year, when the illness Joe had bravely fought for a decade finally claimed him. He had never complained — not to Celia, anyway — but fought through treatments and surgeries, side-effects and setbacks, with good humor and hope. His final days were peaceful. He had fought the good fight, run the good race. His only regret was leaving Celia. 

Celia slid the cake pans into the oven, set the timer, and trudged up the stairs to her office. She bravely faced her empty screen. Gazing up at the painting, Celia again studied Mary’s face, Joseph’s guarding posture, the sleeping baby, the shining star. Resting in the corner, just behind the manger, a lamb slept. 

It was now or never. Praying for inspiration, Celia placed her fingers on the keys. 

Advent Challenge: Birthdays are special times. A child’s birth begins a new life. The anniversaries of that day are milestones of achievements gained or opportunities lost, celebrations and sorrows, successes and failures. The birth of Christ marked the end of sin and the beginning of salvation. Jesus’ birthday brought new life to humankind. Light a candle and celebrate!

Prayer: Alleluia! O how the angels sang. Alleluia! How it rang! And the sky was bright with a holy light. ’Twas the birthday of a king. Lord, with the angels we sing, Alleluia! May our song ring throughout the world, filling the skies with your light, your love, your joy and your peace. Amen

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