Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Day 9 The Christmas Thief: An Advent Calendar in Prose


The Christmas Thief

An Advent Calendar in Prose

Day 9

In the second week of December, Barnaby had noticed the basement family from 106 walking down King’s Ave. It was balmy for the season so Barnaby decided to follow along. Wrapped in shabby coats and with bare heads and hands, the two boys skipped ahead of Mama who pushed the toddler in a rickety pram. The boys turned into the St. Anthony’s School play-yard while Mama parked the carriage in front of the big wooden doors of the church. 

Waving to the boys, Mama picked up her little girl, who clutched her teddy bear, and climbed the steps into the church. Barnaby followed her inside. She was nowhere to be seen. Barnaby slipped into a back pew to rest his feet.

The smell of incense took Barnaby back to his mother’s side. When she was sober, she never missed a Mass. Dragging Barnaby and his siblings into the dark sanctuary, she’d genuflect to the altar and guide them into a pew. Kneeling, she’d descend into prayer, leaving Barnaby to wonder at the golden altar, surrounding angels and saints. 

The Mass was in Latin so Barnaby’s mind had wandered. Sometimes bored and sometimes awed, Barnaby felt the sacredness of the place. While the priest had droned on, Barnaby’s eyes followed the Stations of the Cross pictured around the sanctuary to the crucifix mounted over the altar. Jesus, draped over the cross, was silent.

How could his mother, abandoned by his father, drunk more often than not, have bought into all this drivel? Her prayers were never answered — unless she was praying for drink, a dingy apartment, and bratty kids. The priest never visited. The nuns glared at them. Jesus never spoke. 

Barnaby left the church behind the day he left home.

All Who Come: John 6: 37-40 All that My Father gives to Me comes to Me. I will receive everyone; I will not send away anyone who comes to Me. And here’s the reason: I have come down from heaven not to pursue My own agenda but to do what He desires. I am here on behalf of the Father who sent Me. He sent Me to care for all He has given Me so that nothing and no one will perish. In the end, on the last day, He wants everything to be resurrected into new life. So if you want to know the will of the Father, know this: everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him will live eternally; and on the last day, I am the One who will resurrect him. (The Voice)

Challenge: Barnaby feels abandoned by his parents, the church, and the Jesus he doesn’t yet know. Do you know someone who feels abandoned? How are you offering them the love of Jesus? Jesus sends no one away. God welcomes all. Pray for the lonely today. Welcome them into your heart.

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