Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Day 10 The Christmas Thief: An Advent Calendar in Prose


The Christmas Thief

An Advent Calendar in Prose

Day 10

A coin dropping into the votary box shook Barnaby out of his memories. The same solemn Jesus hung over the altar here as in his neighborhood church, but over to the side, an empty creche, surrounded by sheep and cattle brightened the altar. Barnaby watched as the mother reentered the church with a mop, a bucket, and rags. The little girl wandered over to the creche dragging her bear behind her. 

“Look but don’t touch,” Mama warned. 

“Where’s the baby?” the little girl asked.

“It’s not time for him yet. His mama and papa are still on their way. The animals are waiting.”

“When will he come?”

“When the time is right on Christmas Eve with his mama and his papa. The animals will be ready and we will be too.”

“I don’t like to wait.” said the little girl. “When is my papa coming?”

“When the time is right,” answered Mama. “Come now, take a rag and help me polish these pews. The church has to be ready for the baby too.” The little girl grabbed a rag and ran it over the front pew as Mama wrung out the mop to clean the stone floor. 

Barnaby slipped out through the big doors. He glanced back at the busy cleaners. Chumps. 

A Good Place to Wait: Lamentations 3:25-26  The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. (NIV)

Challenge: When you’re little, waiting is really hard. Will Christmas ever come? Many times in our lives, we have to wait: to start school, to find the right job, to meet someone to love, to regain health, to find peace. Jesus waits with us. He knows how hard it is. He never leaves us alone. Do you know any who are having a hard time waiting? Connect with them today. Give them a call. Travel with them. Sit quietly with them. Remind them that Jesus always comes when the time is right.

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