Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Day 24: The Christmas Thief: An Advent Calendar in Prose


The Christmas Thief

An Advent Calendar in Prose

Day 24

Reilly sat down at the table and slit open the envelope.

Dear Lt. Reilly,

I am long gone. Thought I’d try my luck somewhere new. So hitched a ride on Santa’s sleigh and headed north –- or south or wherever someone like me can find to start over again. 

Guess you recognized my stuff in that basement apartment on King’s Avenue. No room in Santa’s sleigh. Don’t bother checking your stolen goods file. You’ll find receipts for all of it in this envelope. That family’s stable was pretty bare. The baby in the manger looked cold. They needed a wise guy to bring them some gifts. 

You won’t be seeing my name on police blotters anymore. That family was my Christmas gift. If they can make it straight, so can I. Tell them that good things can happen when you least expect them. Merry Christmas!                                                         Barnaby

Reilly pocketed the envelope and left the apartment. Tomorrow was soon enough to do police work. Today was Christmas and he’d just gotten a pretty good gift. A wise guy became a Wise Man. He headed for home with a light heart thanks to one special Christmas Thief.

Why He Came: John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. (NRSV)

Challenge: Good things happen when you least expect them. No one expected a Savior in a manger.  Are you expecting good things? Look for them today. Find them in the places you least expect. Head home with a light heart thanks to one very special Savior. 

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