Monday, December 14, 2020

Day 15 The Christmas Thief: An Advent Calendar in Prose


The Christmas Thief

An Advent Calendar in Prose

Day 15

Christmas Eve morning dawned cold and crisp. Heavy clouds bulged with snow waiting to fulfill the dreams of every child dreaming of a white Christmas. Very early, the sidewalks filled with shoppers seeking last-minute gifts. Carols floated along the sidewalks as street musicians put down caps hoping that the season would loosen some change from bulging purses. 

A police officer stood on every corner, some sporting holly on their caps — a blatant disregard for the uniform but the captain looked the other way at this season. Reilly joined the officers on the beat keeping an eye out for shoplifters and pickpockets. On his lunch hour, he slipped into Al’s. On one of his many visits, he had noticed a brooch that would just match the color of Jenny’s eyes. He hoped it was still there. Al stood behind the counter as always, a limp red bow hanging from the rod above his gray head. Reilly glanced at the brooch resting on its velvet cushion and Al jumped right into bargaining. 

“It’s a pretty little piece, isn’t it. Look like real sapphires to me. I couldn’t let it go for less than fifty.”

“Looks like glass to me,” said Reilly. “Not worth more than ten.” 

“Ten is an insult. Quality workmanship like that? It’s a steal at $40.”

“For $40, I would have to know where it came from. I might go as high as $12.”

“Talk about highway robbery! All right, all right, the season has me soft. I’ll let it go for $15.” Reilly dropped some bills on the counter as Al loosened the brooch from the velvet. 

“Tell you what, call me an old softie, but I have some silver paper somewhere in the back and a nice box. What if I wrap it up for you.” Al picked up the brooch and headed for the back. 

Reilly called out after him, “Make sure the same brooch goes into the box!”

Waiting for Al to return, Reilly watched a dark figure pass the window. That sure looks like my old friend Barnaby. Wonder what he is doing out so early? Reilly thanked Al, pocketed the now gaily wrapped box, and headed out into the street after Barnaby.

Giving Gifts: Matthew 2:11-12 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (NIV)

Challenge: Some gifts come wrapped in silver paper; one came in a manger. Focus on the gift in the manger. Give a gift to a server today — a generous tip or a word of encouragement. Wrap it in love.

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