Thursday, December 3, 2020

Day 4 The Christmas Thief: An Advent Calendar in Prose


The Christmas Thief

An Advent Calendar in Prose

Day 4

At dawn, Lt. Reilly paced the hall of 106 King’s Ave. 

“Another brownstone picked clean,” he growled at the beat cop cowering by the front door. He poked the officer’s bulging belly with his finger. “Those drumsticks clouding your vision?” he asked. “Or is your beat too far from the coffee shop? Maybe a nice beat closer to the docks would sharpen your 20/20.”

The couple in 3A had reported the burglary when they had returned from an office party about four that morning. Lt. Reilly had been shaken from his sleep by the shrill clanging from his bedside phone. The early wake-up had done nothing to sweeten his temperament. About six o’clock, he had woken up the maid from 2A and investigated the second burglary. The woman in the basement had reported nothing missing. 

Reilly puffed up the staircase to 3A and back down to the ground floor rattling doorknobs as he went. No broken locks. These were good sturdy doors. The perp must have entered through the windows. Reilly sent the beat cop up the fire escape to investigate. Two circles of glass confirmed his suspicions. Lt. Reilly interrogated the superintendent. The woman ushered him into her dark apartment apologizing for the faded sofa. 

“No, Officer, I didn’t see anyone. I didn’t hear anything either. We were home all evening and went to bed early.” The woman answered his questions with a quiver in her voice.

“What about Mr. Superintendent?” Reilly asked.

“He left last year looking for more work. We haven’t heard from him in a long while.” Mama picked up a little girl who had shuffled out of the bedroom dragging a teddy bear. “Are we in danger? Will the burglar come back?”

“It’s not likely. Keep your doors and windows locked and get the kids inside well before dark.” Leaving his card, Lt. Reilly took one last look around the bare apartment and headed up the stairs. 

Wherever You Are: Luke 2:4-5 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.


Challenge: Sometimes we must leave a comfort zone due to circumstances beyond our control. No circumstance is beyond God’s control. What circumstance is causing you to leave your comfort zone? Step out in faith today. Know that God is with you. 

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