Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Christmas Thief


The Christmas Thief 

An Advent Calendar in Prose

Advent, the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christmas, is a time of preparation. The word Advent means “Coming.” It is a season of self-reflection, anticipation, hope, and joy. Christians prepare their hearts for the coming of Jesus.  

The observance of Advent dates back to the 6th century when monks fasted during the days leading up to Christmas. Advent Calendars became popular in the 19th Century. German Protestant Christians marked 24 chalk lines on a door and rubbed one off every day in December. Paper calendars became popular in the early 1900s. Scenes from the Bible story and other Christmas images, such as snowmen and robins, were hidden behind paper doors — one to be opened each day. Calendars with toys or chocolate candies became popular in the 20th century. President Dwight D. Eisenhower is credited for popularizing Advent calendars when he was photographed opening windows with his grandchildren.

The Christmas Thief: An Advent Calendar in Prose, is a new way to count down the days to Christmas, As the story unfolds day by day, reflect on the meaning of the story and the accompanying scripture lesson. Accept the challenge offered each day. 

Prepare your heart for the coming Christ. 

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