Monday, November 30, 2020

DAY 1 The Christmas Thief


The Christmas Thief

An Advent Calendar in Prose

Day 1

Barnaby was a thief. To be exact, a burglar. He made his living slipping in and out of the posh Eastside apartments in the old town. There wasn’t a lock, chain, or Doberman that could keep him out. With a flip of the wrist or the toss of a bone, he slipped in, filled his canvas bag, tipped his hat, and slid out into the silent night. 

Barnaby was well known to the cops at the 57th Precinct. He had started his career as a pick-pocket and had spent many a night as a guest of the city. Officer Tom Reilly remembered him as a snot-nosed kid with a smirk on his face. He also remembered him as a boy with a mother who couldn’t remember his name for the drink and a father who had skipped out before the boy could even say, “Da-da.”

Barnaby hadn’t spent a night on the city since he had started burgling. He was too smart for that. He tipped his hat to the coppers on the beat and glided by with his head held high. Lt. Reilly watched him saunter down the street as he filled out one more report of a burglary on the high street. He decided to beef up his patrols of the Eastside.

At the top of December, Barnaby got tired of the Eastside – and a little leery of the sight of one more copper rocking back and forth on his heels on every corner. He decided to try his luck a little further downtown. Scouting around for an easy job, he spotted an old brownstone on King’s Ave. A holly wreath hung in every window of the two top floors. Silver candlesticks with red candles lit by moonlight stood on the windowsills.

Plenty of old money and heirloom silver in those old brownstones even in these tough times, he thought, just ripe for the picking. Barnaby rubbed his hands together as he strolled back and forth planning his evening’s work. 

Prepare the Way: Luke 1:16-17 “He’ll be filled with the Holy Spirit from the moment he leaves his mother’s womb. He will turn many sons and daughters of Israel back to their God. He will herald God’s arrival in the style and strength of Elijah, soften the hearts of parents to children, and kindle devout understanding among hardened skeptics—he’ll get the people ready for God.”             (MSG)

Challenge: Advent is a season of preparation. Are you preparing for the coming of Jesus? Read the scriptures included with each section of the story. How do they relate to the story characters and plot? How do they relate to your life? Every morning, as you rise, say aloud, “Come, Lord Jesus.” On a calendar, keep a record of how he comes to you. Will he soften your heart? Will he kindle devout understanding? How will he get you ready for God?

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