Friday, January 31, 2014

Groundhog's Life

Groundhog’s Life

One of my all-time favorite movies is “Groundhog’s Day” starring Bill Murray. Murray plays a weather man who is sent to cover the famous Punxsutawney Phil --the groundhog who predicts the coming of spring.  

 Too sophisticated to take part of these yearly festivities, Bill sneers at the celebrating locals, his clumsy cameraman, and his cheerful producer. He wants to get the job done and get out of there. He does not get his wish.

You probably know the story. The incorrigible weatherman played by Murray gets stuck in a loop – living the same day over and over. At first, he is disdainful, then suicidal. He tries several times to end it all, including an ill-fated ride with the famous groundhog driving. 

Nothing works. He can’t get out. He is stuck.

Then something happens, Bill realizes that he has been given a gift. He can relive his day and make it better. First, he tries to change things. He tries to save the life of a homeless man. He fails. He tries to get his lovely producer to fall in love with him by impressing her with his sophistication. He fails. He then does something totally out of character. 

He decides to be kind.

He begins to listen to those around him. He does what he can to make their lives easier. Since he knows what will occur, he tries to be in the right place at the right time to make a difference. He works to make himself a better person. He takes piano lessons. He creates ice sculptures. He is kind to old ladies and foolish youth. Every day he repeats becomes better; his curse becomes a blessing.

None of us can live even one minute of our lives over again. We have to take the days as they come. But we do have the choice on how we will greet each day. We can be disdainful or even suicidal-- but how much better it would be to be kind. 

 We can decide to help others. We can listen. We can try to be at the right place at the right time to help others. And, even if we are in the wrong place or get there at the wrong time, we can greet each day with love and pass that love along to everyone we meet.

My piano-lesson-taking daughter always groaned when I commented that, although Bill could spend his limitless time anyway he wanted, he chose to take piano lessons. His infatuation with his lady producer prompted him to start, but the joy of music soon over-whelmed him. Bill shared his joy with others. 

That’s the way it is with most joyful things – our joy grows to include those around us.

So instead of living just one recurring Groundhog’s Day, strive to have a “Groundhog’s” life.  Be kind every day. Listen. Share your joys. 

Expect an early spring and find blossoms in the snow.

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